Monday, July 20, 2015

It’s trouble and more trouble

It’s trouble and more trouble
Dave is distraught. What could have happened to Kathryn? His wife is not the kind of woman that takes off without leaving a forwarding address. In fact, she insists that Dave tells her about his movement for the day because you may never know, according to her.
So, why would she be the one flouting her own rule? Something is just not right! He remembers that she’s been a bit secretive of late and sits up. Yeah, all of a sudden, she has been fiddling with her phone a little more than usual. Two nights ago, he was sure she was on the phone but when he entered the kitchen, she dropped the phone.
He noticed that the phone’s screen was alive for a few seconds more, before petering out. He said nothing and she stylishly shooed him out of the kitchen. He had wondered who she was talking to on the phone then. Then, this morning, he noticed that she went downstairs to the sitting room to take a call.
He particularly took note of that because she usually left her phone on the bed if she had to make breakfast. Why has she suddenly realised that the handset is a ‘mobile’ phone? Dave shakes off the crazy thought in his mind. He is convinced that he is seeing things that are not there. Kathryn is ‘missing’ and he needs to find her.
Alice will know where she is. The thought of Alice makes him swallow hard. It is really possible for a man with two wives to love them both for he loves both women! And wait for this: they are both pregnant for him. Can a man who is looking forward to his own children be happier! The only snag is that he can lay claim to only one of the children. It is well. The fact that both children are in the family is soothing. How he wishes that his brother, James, is a better man.
Alice doesn’t deserve to suffer in any man’s home. She is such an angel that brings goodluck people’s way. All the business they’ve done together are very profitable. Their business partnership has boosted his finances so much. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. His wife, Kathryn is still missing! He dials her number again, switched off. He panics and dials Alice’s number again. He’s lucky this time around.
**** Alice picks her phone. “Hello dear,” Dave says, his heart in his mouth “Oh Dave! How’re you doing?” Alice says. “I’m good…er…not so good,” he falters. “What’s the problem?” Alice asks, concern in her voice. “Is Kiki with you?” Dave blurts out. “Er…no. Any problem?” Alice asks. She almost said yes, to cover up her sister but something pushed her to say no. “I can’t reach her.
Her phone is switched off. She told me she would be going to the movies. When I couldn’t reach her and she wasn’t home, I felt she could be with you,” Dave says, his voice losing more calm. Alice thanks her star. What if she had said yes and it turns out something is wrong? How will she prove her innocence? Nevertheless, she tries to douse Dave’s worries. She knows James won’t hurt Kiki.
Moreover, she saw when Kiki left the hotel. She could be held up in traffic. She’s sure Kiki will be home soon. “It’s okay dear. Calm down. Kiki will be home soon. Could have watched a late movie and the traffic is crazy you know. Since her phone is dead, she will be in a hurry to get home,” she says. “She left home more than six hours ago.
The security man said so,” Dave whines. Hmmmmmmmmmmm that’s news to Alice. She wonders what Kiki and James got to talk about for six hours. “Don’t worry your head so much. We ladies have a way of annoying our spouses some times. She might have decided to dash to a shop to pick up some baby’s things before going to the movies.
So relax, she’ll soon be home,” Alice says reassuringly. That seems to bring Dave back to reality. “How are you doing? How’s my son doing? Hope he’s kicking fine? When is the nanny moving in? You really have to forgive James. Let him come back home dear,” Dave says. “We’re doing fine. The nanny should move in tomorrow. You and your wife seem to have taken it upon you to make sure James comes back home.
She was on it today, making me promise that I’ll take him back,” Alice says with a smile. “Hmmmmmmm Kiki the peacemaker,” Dave says, adding, “Where are you?” “Driving home,” Alice says. “Driving? And you didn’t tell me? Thats not safe. You shouldn’t make a call when driving and I know you don’t use hands free,” Dave says. “I’m sorry dear. I was just too happy to hear your voice. I’ve been so lonely of late,” she replies. “It’s okay love. Lemme know when you’re home. We can talk then. Missed you,” he says and ends the call.
James! Why didn’t he settle down to enjoy the good fortune thrust into his hands by marriage? Indeed, a child riding on his mother’s back does not know that trekking is a task. He will try everything to get him back home. He smiles. But it’s funny, his brother’s wife is with child for him! Well, that’s the way the gods want it. Back to the issue at hand, where could his wife be? If she spoke to Kiki, she could have spoken with him.
Could she have gone to the hospital? That’s about the only place she could have gone unannounced. The hospital is less than 10 minutes drive away on a good day. His nerves are on end. He needs someone to talk to. Maybe he should get James to come around. Yes, it will be nice to talk to James. He picks a car key.
Staying at home won’t do him any good. He can’t sit on his arse. It will be better for him to be doing something. He will go look for Kiki in the hospital. As he drives out of his compound, he dials James number. **** The air-conditioning system hums silently. The soft music wafting out of the car speakers has a soothing effect on them while pedestrians swelter in their clothes. The traffic is mad.
A journey of less than 30 minutes is almost taking an hour but they are almost at the hospital. James is almost sweating in his underarms despite the car’s cooling system. “I’m yet to see a worse traffic than Lagos’ own. You can’t just tell for sure when the roads will be free,” Kathryn says.
“Traffic is synonymous with Lagos. Lagos without traffic is no Lagos. How are you feeling now?” James asks. “The pain comes and goes. It’s getting worse…” Kiki says. James phone rings. Kathryn remembers that she is yet to charge her phone. She plugs it to the car charger. His phone rings again. “Why don’t you want to pick your calls? The noise is making me edgy,” she says.
The phone rings the third time and an edgy James gives it to Alice. What? Dave! What will he tell Dave? That he’s with his wife or what? They realise that Dave is bent on talking with James. He keeps calling. “I think you should pick it,” Kathryn says as it rings the fifth time. James hesitates and picks it. “Bros, how you dey,” he says dryly. “My man, I no dey o,” Dave says.
From Dave’s tone, it’s obvious something is wrong. “What’s the problem?” James asks sharply.
“Not much really. My wife’s phone’s been switched off for hours. Dunno where she is and what’s happening to her. Your wife doesn’t know either. Was wondering if you could come around,” Dave says. With heart beating wildly, James says, “She should be okay. Maybe she went shopping.
Traffic is mad. She could have been caught up in one. I’m actually caught up in one. Will hook up with you later.” Dave feels so stupid. Why is he panicky? Kathryn could have gone shopping and she could also be in the hospital, a still voice tells him. He continues on his journey to the hospital. James almost has a heart attack. His right hand flies to his chest.
“What’s the problem? What did he say,” Kathryn asks him. “He’s worried that you are not back home and didn’t call either. You need to call him… but not with my phone,” James says as he noses the car into the hospital gate. “Okay. I’ll use the hospital’s line to reach him,” she replies.
“The last thing I want is your husband meeting me here. I’ll bring the car keys to you immediately I park it and find my way out of here. Do take care of yourself. Will probably come back here with your husband later today,” James says as he brings the car to a halt at the entrance of the hospital building. The nurses rush out and help her in while James takes the car to the car park.
He rushes in after them. Few minutes later, Dave zooms into the hospital! *********** This is dicey. Did the two men run into each other in the hospital? What happened to Kathryn? Join me on this page on Sunday.

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