Monday, July 20, 2015

Two can play the game

Two can play the game

Tears stream down Alice’s cheeks. As human beings, we are at times faced with choices that are not palatable. She looks around her. She has everything that makes a woman happy. She hasn’t fared badly. Many women are envious of her success. She smiles.
But are riches all to life? She looks around her again. Something is definitely missing…a real man! She is sure about that. She recalls the meeting she had with Dave the previous day. They had a business meeting with some clients in a hotel room.
The clients left almost immediately for the airport and they decided to wait a bit as the traffic was crazy. They are still very much in love with each other. There’s no pretending about that. Dave loves his wife, Kathryn, also. He told her so and it makes her happy.
She doesn’t want anything that will make Kathryn sad. But that doesn’t stop the passion. “What happened between us wasn’t predetermined, Alice. If it were, we would have said we set out to hurt the people that mean so much to us. I love you Alice.
My last year on the campus would have been the worst but you made it the best. My family was going through a trying time financially but I didn’t feel it because you were feeding me. I’m sure I never bothered to ask how you got the money then.” Dave smiled and continued, “But like you said, we must rein in our feelings now. Let’s go back to our spouses. Let’s kiss and say goodbye to this passion unbridled…”
He had grabbed Alice who struggled a little and gave in. They kissed and kissed and…as Dave’s tongue prodded her mouth. She put her expertise into use and didn’t resist when Dave’s fingers fiddled with the rear zip of her long red gown. He bared her creamy shoulders and kissed one, then the other. He inched the cloth down a little more, exposing her beautiful boobs encased in a lacy red brassiere. “Lady in red,” he murmured against her silky skin.
He kissed her throat and she shivered. Then, he kissed her lower, inching the gown lower as he kissed until he got to her now very swollen tummy. As he kissed here and there on her tummy, he murmured something that wasn’t audible to Alice.
She closed her eyes as she felt waves of passion envelop her and her baby moved. That movement seemed to excite Dave who kissed and traced invincible lines on her tummy. He unhooked her brassiere, releasing the boobs that are nearly twice their size.
She moaned and that sort of settled it for Dave who stood up, divested himself of his clothes. Immediately he pulled his briefs off his peen, it swung forcefully up like a spring. He pulled Alice up gently from the chair and guided her to the bed. Alice knew that what they were doing was wrong but she lacked the will to stop him.
She wanted it too! Her protruding tummy stood in the way but they circumvented it as much as they could as they pleasured each other on the bed. Her cave of wonder had been moist since they talked. Now it released all the sweet, slippery fluid it could and as Dave thrust in and out carefully, he could feel a sugary sensation all over him. He couldn’t remember having it better.
Alice mumbled gibberish as they crested the height together. As he exploded inside her, he almost screamed but suppressed it at the last minute. After the spasms had left them, Alice’s tummy twitched and twitched. The baby was a bit restless. Dave observed the movement a moment and then, gently rubbed her stomach and the baby therein calmed down. He rubbed on dreamily.
“I wish he will call me daddy,” he said dreamily. “Who?” Alice asked. “My son,” he replied. “Your son? Who told you it is a boy?” Alice asked, sitting up. “He’s a boy. I see him in my dream. He’s always coming to me. We discuss a lot as adults,” he said. “Adults? What are you talking about, Dave?” Alice asked, perplexed. “Alice, Junior is grown in my dream. Please all I ask is that you allow him call me daddy instead of uncle…please.”
Dave looked so serious. Junior? Alice thought about it a moment and nodded. When they get to that river, they’d know how best to cross it. She was sure a girl was growing in her womb. She also didn’t want to go for sex scan. She would be satisfied with whichever sex God blessed her with.
Her phone startles her. It’s ringing. “Sis, how are you doing?” It’s Kathryn! “I’m good dear. How your end?” Alice replies. “Cool. Er…er…Sis, there’s something I really want us to talk about,” Kathryn says hesitantly. Alice’s heart does a flip flop! What could it be? Has Dave given their secret away?
“What is it,” she asks quietly. “Sis, it’s about your husband, James,” she says. “What about him?” Alice asks, her heart in her mouth.
“Can you find it in your heart to forgive him?” Oh! That? She relaxes a bit. “I’ve forgiven him,” Alice says. “Serious?” Kathryn asks. “Serious! I can’t say no to you my sister,” Alice says and she means it. “He has really changed. He’s a better person now,” Kathryn says. Alice’s mind becomes alert
Kiki pleading for James? What’s happening here? “Coming from you Kiki, I believe you. But how come you’re pleading for a man that doesn’t like you at all? Do you think James will do that for you? Definitely not,” she says.
“James has not been as antagonistic as he used to be. He has accepted me, I think,” Kathryn says, a little hesitantly. Alice notices that. “Oh, how did you know he has accepted you? He told you and asked you to talk to me?” Alice asks. “Er…er…No…yes…I mean, he wants me to talk to you,” Kathryn wavers.
“And you believe he’s sincere? When did you people discuss this?” Alice asks, listening hard. “We spoke on the phone a few days ago,” she replies. “It’s alright,” Alice says, adding, “I’ll take him back.” But it’s not really alright. “Are you at home,” Alice asks and she takes a moment before answering. “Yes…yes,” she replies. “No problem. I really do not have any problem with James,” Alice says.
“Oh thank you, sis,”Kathryn gushes. “What are sisters for…” Alice begins and then, a phone rings in Kathryn’s background and stops. The ringtone is a very familiar one to Alice. She smiles. Alice exchanges more pleasantries with Kiki and cuts the line. Almost immediately, she dials another number and it rings busy. She smiles some more. She redials Kiki’s line. “Sis, I’m coming over to your house now. There’s something we have to discuss,” she says immediately Kiki picks. “Oh no, I’m not at home.
I mean, I’m just going out now,” Kiki says breathlessly. “Oh, no problem. Next time then,” Alice says and ends the call. She has confirmed her fears. Kathryn is not at home. Going by the background noise, she’s in a public place. So why lie to her? Unless… She goes in and dresses up. Picks her bag, car keys and is out of the house.
******** Where’s Alice off to? Who is with Kathryn? Let’s find out next week! 

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