Monday, July 20, 2015

With bated breath

With bated breath
Dave walks into the hospital. The nurses on duty know him. “Oh, welcome sir. The doctor is with your wife. You may have to wait a little,” a nurse tells him. Dave takes a deep breath and exhales loudly. “Doctor with my wife? What is wrong with her,” he asks, perplexed. “The doctor is with her. Exercise patience,” she says. Dave nods and paces a bit. Then he dials a number on his phone and steps out of the reception area, back to the car park.
He needs fresh air. This isn’t what he bargained for. Could his wife be in labour? Or is something else wrong with her? Gosh! He needs to talk to somebody fast. He fiddles with his phone and as he looks up, his face lit up. What a coincidence; he has been trying to get James on the phone and there is James walking away. “Hey, my man! Where the deuce are you going? Been trying to get you on the phone,” he shouts, relief in his voice. James turns, his heart in his mouth.
As Dave runs towards him, he nearly takes off. His phone is ringing and with shaky hands, he picks it and shouts “Hello…hello…” Dave looks at his phone and realises that James has picked his call. He says, “My man, what’s the problem? Stop wasting my airtime. Why are you so jumpy? You picked my call!” “Oh, sorry. Wasn’t thinking clearly,” he replies, breaking out in sweat.
“It’s obvious,” Dave says. Does Dave suspect he had been with his wife? How long has he been within the hospital premises? Did he see them when they arrived? Oh no! “You look sick, my man. What’s wrong? Did you come to see the doctor?” Dave asks, concern in his voice. “Yes,” James replies. Although he doesn’t know what he’s affirming. “My wife is here. The doctor is with her.
Don’t know what is wrong yet…” Dave says and James relaxes. Apparently, Dave didn’t see them arrive. “You mean you brought her here?” he asks, trying his pot luck. “No. Actually came to look for her here,” Dave replies. Colour gradually returns to James face and he relaxes. “Have you seen her? What did the doctor say? Is she okay?” James asks. “She’s still with the doctor.
I’m waiting to see her. Couldn’t reach her for hours. Her phone was switched off. I called Alice and she wasn’t with her and I panicked. By the way, how far with your wife? You have to go back home. She needs you. What if she goes into labour at night? You have to go home,” Dave tells him. “I really want to go home. However, there’s a big issue that I don’t know how to handle for now. I’m so confused right now,” James says. “What’s the problem?” Dave asks? James hesitates. Dave watches as he walks a few metres away and comes back. It’s obvious that whatever it is is a source of serious worry to him.
“My man, what’s the problem?” Dave asks again. James scratches his head. Sweat beads appearing on his forehead. Dave stares at him. “Bros, they say I no be man,” James says, voice lowered. Dave stares at him, lost, while James scratches his head the more. “You no be man…” Dave begins and then it dawns on him and he asks, “Who said so?” “Who else will say so? Native doctor or chemist? Doctors say so!” James replies.
“Doctors?” Dave asks again, mouth agape. “Yes, doctors. Two doctors. Different times and different hospitals,” he replies. It takes a while before the import of James’ predicament hits Dave. “Oh no!” He exclaims. “Now you understand my predicament,” James says. Of course, Dave does…and more. Now he’s in deep sh*t. How could Kiki deceive him? So she knew James was responsible for her childless state and hid it from him? So she used him? Agh! That’s too calculative! How could she? All his calculations have just fallen like a pack of badly stacked cards.
What will happen to his unborn child? “I know you will understand. I would love go to back home but how do I live with her, knowing that I’m not responsible for her pregnancy? She is mean. Alice is very mean. How could she do that to me? So why was she harping on my escapades when she was probably doing worse? Can a woman be so deceptive!” James rants on and on. Dave isn’t listening to his litany of woes. He just realises that you can’t mould life into what you want. His feather-lined bed has just been ruffled in the most unkind way…
A nurse rushes towards them. She goes to James and says, “Sir, the doctor wants you. Your wife is…” James expression makes the words freeze in her throat. Surely, this is the man that brought the woman in the labour room. He was so loving and supportive then. Why this strange expression? She shrugs and starts again, “I mean the woman you…” The look James throws her way could kill! Dave gives them a strange look. The confusion he is grappling with in his mind is not helping matters. Then, he remembers why he is there. “Is the doctor free now?
Can I see him? Can I see my wife?” A confused nurse turns to him, nods, gives James a strange look and prances into the building. “Let’s go see my wife. I guess you’re not in a hurry,” Dave tells James. James nods, he still has a hazy look. “Are you okay?” Dave asks. “Yes,” he replies, shaking his head as if to clear the fog. Something just doesn’t jell in Dave’s mind but he cannot place a finger on it. As they move towards the building, Dave’s phone rings. Alice! He picks it. “Hello…yes I’ve seen…no not yet but she’s in the hospital,” he says and ends the call.
They rush into the doctor ’s office. “Doc…” Dave begins, “How is she? Is she alright? Why is she here? Is she in labour…” “Calm down sir. I’ve been with her since he brought her in and…” He? Who is the he? Dave wonders. Something is just not sounding right here. James wishes that the floor would open and swallow him. Why did he enter the doctor’s office with Dave? He wishes he would wake up from this dream.
**** Alice clutches the phone. What could be the problem? Why was Dave so curt with her a while ago? Kiki in the hospital? What’s wrong? Is she in labour? Well, she won’t find out if she stays at home and it’s obvious Dave doesn’t want to talk to her. She tries Kiki’s phone again and it’s still switched off. Well, to the hospital she must. She picks her car key and the bag she dropped less than an hour ago on her bed. ****** Is the bubble about to burst? Did Kathryn pull through? Let’s meet here next week.

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