Saturday, August 22, 2015

And DGossip247 falls in love?

Love has an image we all believe we are familiar with but no one can really explain. The language of love is unique and understandable to all individuals from different backgrounds, races, ethnic groups etc but we can't replicate our understanding of love perfectly. Can someone tell me the colour of love? Some say love is white because the colour white represents purity, some say the colour of love is red due to valentine relations, and the farmers will say love is green due to the pigmentation of a flourishing plant. The astronauts will say love is blue due to the colour of the sky from the mountain top, what about the fashion designer that sees love as a mixture of all colours?

The list goes on and on. The bottom line is that we see love in different perspectives. The great singer John Legend claims nobody really knows love even though we all claim to know. In his words: "Everybody knows, but nobody REALLY knows how to make it work" This talks about the difference perspective from which we see love. The message of love is simply the same. The feeling of love is mutual. Love is like a state of momentary madness. We all need love to carry on in life. We all want to have a feeling that one female party is ready to form a coalition with the party of ours to win the election of life.

Don't be shocked, DGossip247 is in love. In the course of disseminating information in the crude way around the entire polity, I have met this young, pretty and tall lady that has affected my fantasy. This is the kind of lady my King will betray the injunction of the gods to marry even though the entire village could be plunged into destruction. She has the magical smile that could turn a tyrant into a democrat, the smile that could turn a villain into a hero. I am talking about the kind of smile that could turn an assassin into a saviour.
Her beauty could turn a bloody war front into a ground of reconciliation. I wonder how you have found your way into my heart.  I have prayed so hard to wake up from this deep sleep. They say love is costly, I have no money to pay for yours but you have given it to me like it’s my birth right.

Each time you check on me in the course of my duties, I simply wish I could just die in your arms. It is almost a mirage to meet a woman like you who will take me for my true self. My colleagues have encouraged me to tell lies to spice up my empty love life. They call this ''politics of love''. They said the women love the lies and it aggravates the best part of them. They said I could even lie I will be the next King of this town. I have learned how to lie severally but my mouth kept failing me until you walked into my life to justify the truth.

You are such compensation to me from providence. I can vividly remember meeting you in the course of my duties. You asked me for directions. Like I was a geographer I gave you the best coordinates. I feel scared about my future my lady. I wonder if I could make you happy. I wonder if I could take you to a better place. I wonder if I could help you achieve your dreams. I wonder if I will be able to afford your bride price even if my entire life is sold at a hyper-inflated price. This is because you are simply priceless. I wonder, I wonder and wondering is still the best I can do.

I admire your submissiveness, the praises you heap on me, your dedication, the brightness of my future which you see but my eyes are closed too. My lady, life hurts, life is an unending drama. Even if nothing works out, I will keep you in the best mansion in my heart and worship you till my dying days.

This letter of love is written in my heart and I hope they reach you as soon as possible. I hope you understand it and realize the contents are for you, Orente.

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