Monday, July 20, 2015

How long can you hide a secret?

How long can you hide a secret?
Alice mulls over the past few moments. She had noticed the transformation in James’ attitude. His slow, but gradual acceptance of her baby. Why that? Surely, he doesn’t know that another man achieved what he couldn’t achieve in almost nine years. He was also so warm to her. It seems that the arrival of the baby has healed their pain. But is their misunderstanding caused by her childless state?
She doubts it. James has been living his life, making himself comfortable with her wealth and the strange woman. She dwells on Dave’s excitement also. The way he is behaving, he will give them away in no time. Thankfully, James will not suspect that he isn’t responsible for her pregnancy.
How wrong she is! She wishes Dave happiness. He is the man that gave her joy…that made her conceive, thereby, removing the shame of childlessness from her. Her only prayer is that he finds joy. That Kathryn gives him a baby also so that his joy will be full. Kathryn! Why has she not been delivered of her baby?
Kathryn got to the hospital before her although she hasn’t seen her as she was in serious labour when she arrived the hospital and was taken to the labour room immediately. She prays for her safe delivery. It will be double celebration. She recalls their friendship over the years and smiles. After many years apart, of not knowing where each was, they came together, united in their marriages to two brothers. And now, they have children by the same man. That is the part she will not want to disclose with pride. Well, there’s joy knowing that they are having their babies on the same day. She looks at her son and smiles. It’s not how far but how well that matters.
Kathryn has been delivered of a female child. Immediately she sets her eyes on the bundle of joy, she forgets the pains of a protracted labour.
So she’s now a mother like her sister/friend, Alice? The Lord’s name be praised. Alice has been so lucky, having given birth less than two hours after she drove into the hospital. Some women are just so lucky. But she still thanks God The baby looks every inch like Dave.
That is the first thing the men noticed. “It’s obvious I have a very strong gene,” Dave says proudly. James swallows hard. It’s only virile men that can boast like that. Not him. He wonders if he can ever feel comfortable when the issue of virility is being discoursed. He resolves to do everything medically possible to become a real man. It will cost him a fortune, he knows, but he won’t be daunted.
He will look for the money. Kathryn, looking so weak, feels for James. She knows he’ll be hurting so much, listening to Dave’s talk. She glances at James and he looks at her that very moment. She tilts her head ever so gently to assure him of her support. James understands. A smile flickers across his face. “You are so lucky, Dave. But I think she will resemble Kathryn as she grows up. Look at the well-sculptured nose. You ain’t so endowed.
Moreover, it will pay you better if your daughter takes after your beautiful wife and your son takes after you. That way, you have the best of both worlds,” James says. They all laugh. So like James when he’s in his element. “You’re right my man. You make real sense for once,” Dave says, laughing. They all laugh. It is sincere laughter. “I make sense when I’m not drunk and lately, I’ve been living a teetotal…when I can afford to, that is. You must be a superman to bear my burden without grunting,” James says and they laugh again. Kathryn gives James a quizzical look and he nods slightly, indicating that Dave knows about his predicament.
So they all seem to understand what he is talking about and are glad he seems to be getting over the self pity. However, Dave wonders how his wife, Kathryn, got to know about something James told him just a few hours ago. Is he missing something? He remembers the issue of his wife’s car key being with James and the fact that James knows that she had an accident. He feels very uncomfortable. He will get to that later. Right now, he prays that when the truth of the paternity of Alice’s son is made known, it won’t erupt like a volcano. Alice’s son looks so much like him.
Only a blind man will not know that their family’s blood runs in him. Of course, it’s an advantage to James for those who do not know their secret, but not for those who know. Perhaps, only Alice is in the dark regarding James’ health profile. It will be best if she knows so that she will mind her step. He will do that at the earliest given opportunity. It’s better to be prepared, like the Boys Scout. A nurse announces that the new mother and her baby are ready to be moved to the ward.
The men clustered around Kathryn as she is wheeled to the postnatal ward – a two-bed private room where Alice and baby are. Alice and her baby are asleep.
The nurses make as little noise as possible in order not to the disturb them. They talk in hushed tones as they make mother and child comfortable and then, leave afterwards. Kathryn yawns and the men decide to leave to enable her catch some sleep. “This is the beginning of sleepless nights,” James says. “Yeah, for all of us,” Dave whispers and kisses his wife.
They check the babies in the cots and leave. About an hour later, Alice wakes up and is surprised to see that the other bed is occupied. It takes her a while to remember that she’ll be sharing the room with Kathryn. “Kiki…Kiki…Kiki,” she calls out gently. Kathryn opens her eyes. “Boy or girl?” she asks Kathryn who is trying to sit up. “Mama na girl o,” Kathryn sings, and they both laugh weakly.
“Na boy I get here o,” Alice says. “So we’ll swap then. You wanted a girl and I wanted a boy, remember,” Kathryn says and they laugh. “Sis, you are very lucky. You dropped the thing in no time. Unlike me that saw my ears with my eyes! Labour pain no get part two. But the joy of having the baby in your arms afterwards, obliterates all the pain,” Kathryn says.
“You are right. But don’t think a short labour period means lesser pain. I’m sure the pain of 12 hours were packed into one for me. But we thank God. What if after all the pain, we had no babies to show? Now you know the pain of those who have still birth or lost their babies after birth. Let’s thank God,” Alice says. “You are right sis,” Kathryn says. Her mind is pushing her to ask Alice a very pertinent question. How she came about her pregnancy!
It occurs to her that Alice couldn’t have known that her husband couldn’t impregnate a woman. After all, she believes that her husband has children out of wedlock. “How about James’ children with that woman?” Kathryn begins. “Do I care? I have my own child now. Let him go have a dozen more children for all I care,” Alice says.
“Hmmmmmmm…what if he did not bear those children? What if the woman lied to him?” Kathryn says, trying for an opening to what she actually wants to talk about. “As if I care now,” Alice says. “What’s the state of affairs between you and your husband now?” Kathryn tries another opening. “State of affairs? Did it change from what it was yesterday or this morning? I hadn’t seen him for days till I met him here in the hospital. In fact, I was surprised to see him here,” Alice says. “Well sis, there’s fire on the mountain o. I can’t hear this and hide it from you. I learnt James has issues and can’t have children,” Kathryn says, breathing out.
Finally, she has it out. “Was that what you were discussing in that discreet hotel…? You said what? He has problem with procreation? Who told you? It’s a lie. He had children from that woman,” Alice says as the import of Kathryn’s words hit her. She feels like cold water has been splashed forcefully on her face.
Oh the other hand, Kathryn feels hot and cold at the same time as the scene in the hotel’s car park -the accident, sudden labour pain et al -plays out before her again. So it was Alice’s car in that car park after all? What did she see? Did she see her with James? Who else saw her? What did she come to that discreet hotel to do? To meet with the father of her baby? They stare at each other, lost in their respective thoughts.
So many questions! I sure want the answers and more.
If you also do, let’s play here next Sunday.

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