Monday, July 20, 2015

Hubby didn’t father my son!

Hubby didn’t father my son!
Dave and James perch on bar stools, sipping from flutes. They’re in a bar across the street.
They’ve had a very hectic day. It was after they left the women in the private ward that they remembered they had not eaten for hours. They were ravenously hungry and moved to the bar to have a bite. After the meal, they popped Champagne.
Yeah, it’s time to celebrate. They’ve called members of their families and friends to share in the good news. Dave’s parents are over the moon with joy. What a double blessing!
It calls for celebration. “I can’t believe I’m a father now. It’s like a dream,” Dave says happily. “Yeah,” James squeaks and clears his throat. James looks up and regrets his earlier statement.
The look on James face says it all. “Hey, my man! I understand how you feel but you can’t afford to wallow in self pity. What you need is solution to your problem. Fortunately, no one will know that you have such a challenge now your wife has given birth to a baby.
You don’t have to announce to the whole world that…by the way, how come my wife knows about it? I just got to know about it some hours ago and couldn’t have told her. I know you two are not exactly kissing cousins, so you couldn’t have told her.
Who else have you discussed it with? You shouldn’t go about telling people…”
Dave trails off as he remembers his wife’s dented car booth, the fact that James knows about it and even has his wife’s key in his pocket. All the solid and liquid in James’ system travel downward in one fluid movement. Sweat beads appear on his forehead. “Wanna ease myself,” he says, sliding off the stool.
“Sure,” Dave says after James who is already heading in the direction of the loo. After easing himself, James leans on the corridor wall. Those questions from Dave ruffle him. How does a man skirt around such questions? If he even succeeds today, will he keep skirting such questions in future? As he makes to join Dave, fluid rushes downward again and he goes back into the loo.
After draining himself the second time, he musters courage and strides into the bar. “Yeah….you were saying…” James says, perching on the bar stool. “Yeah, was actually wondering how my wife got to know about your secret and she didn’t inform me. I feel it’s strange…very strange. To think you just told me about it when it has become public knowledge,” Dave says casually.
He’s actually fishing for information. His mind is beginning to play tricks on him. He’s suspecting monkey business. James relaxes a wee. “It’s actually my most closely guarded secret. Apart from the doctor…or could the doctor have told somebody?” James says. “Doctor? Why would your doctor divulge your secret? To who? Of course, doctors don’t do that.
They can talk about a nameless patient’s challenge,” Dave says. “Sure…sure,” James strutters, frantically searching for another explanation. He creases his forehead, pretending to be thinking of how his secret became public knowledge and willing something to happen that will end the present conversation. And something did happen! Fortunately, his phone rings and he gratefully picks it. If only he knew! ***** Kathryn and Alice stare at each other. Each wishing it is a dream. But it’s no dream.
They’ve got some soul searching secrets to spill and each is reluctant to talk. “Sister, whatever happens, remember the oath we took before we took up our trade. We’re sisters forever,” Kathryn says, shifting on her bed. “Yeah, sisters forever we remain,” Alice intones, sliding off her bed. She feels a little woozy, but she just realises that she hasn’t set her eyes on Kathryn’s baby. “Where are you going, sister?” Kathryn asks her. “To see your baby, dear sister,” Alice replies her, moving to the baby’s cot. “Oh dear me. It’s true.
Haven’t seen your baby, my baby,” Kathryn says and chuckles. As Alice sets her eyes on Kathryn’s baby, her face creases into a smile. “This is a female version of Dave you have here,” she says. “Are you sure? Your husband said she took my nose,” Kathryn says with pride. “Maybe…maybe…yeah, there’s a slight resemblance… yes, but Dave is dominant here o,” Alice says.
“Can I see our son? I can’t walk to his cot yet. Not feeling strong yet,” Kathryn says. “Oh, no problem,” Alice says moving to her baby’s cot. She picks her baby and takes him to Kathryn who sits up to cuddle the tiny tot. “OMG! This is a ‘beautiful’ boy! So peaceful,” Kathryn exclaims weakly. She stares at the baby for a few more moment, then Alice takes him back to his cot.
Kathryn frowns. Who does Alice’s baby look like? Her head throbs suddenly and she winces. “Sister, who does he look like? Definitely not you. He’s so cute,” Kathryn says, looking Alice in the eyes. She continues, “Or better still, who is his father?” Alice stares at Kathryn. “Does he look like somebody you know? How did you get to know that James has a health challenge?
Who told you?” Alice asks. Kathryn sighs. It’s so difficult to say certain truth but can she lie about it? “James, your husband told me,” she replies. “James told you what? But you are not even in good terms,” Alice says, incredulous.
“He told me,” Kathryn says again, not knowing what else to say. The headache is getting worse. “What else did he tell you? I saw you with him in that hotel. You were so engrossed in your conversation that you didn’t notice me,” Alice says, exhaling. It’s Kathryn’s turn to gape. “What did you go there to do?” Kathryn asks.
“To look for you,” she replies. Kathryn realises that lying won’t help here. She’s not sure what Alice heard them discuss. “Sister, you can’t pretend that James is the father of your son. He knows the baby is not his,” Kathryn says.
Alice sighs. “My sister, James is not the father of my baby. However, I didn’t know he had health challenges. He never told me anything. I slept with another man once and got pregnant.
It’s so sad that for years, I couldn’t get pregnant. The only time I cheated on James, I got pregnant. I should have known!” Alice says, her heart thumping. She’s worried that Kathryn will want to know the father of her baby. As if reading her mind, Kathryn asks, “Sister, who is the father of your baby?”
How will you feel if your most trusted sister/friend tells you that your husband fathered her son? Well, let’s find out Kathryn and James’ reaction to that shocking news on Sunday.

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