Monday, July 20, 2015

The joy of a newborn

The joy of a newborn
He needed to confide in someone. This beauty was so close yet so far away from him. He wanted her so much. He could feel she wanted him too but she was just not forthcoming with her affection. It seemed she was taking her time to make a choice. Gawd!
Why couldn’t things just work out the way he planned it? He swigged from the cognac bottle once again. His throat burnt and he drank from the bottle of water he always kept handy when indulging in spirits.
He wanted her, that he knew. Sleeping would be a big issue this night. So he wanted to get drunk and drift into slumberland. In the morning, he would visit her. He had to hold himself. He shouldn’t behave like a sissy in love. His phone rang. He dived for it, wishing it would be her. Alas! It wasn’t her, it was Alice. “Hello,” he said gruffly. He could hardly hear what she was saying between sobs.
Unfortunately, the cobweb the spirit had gathered in his brain made it difficult for him to make out what she was saying. But it was obvious she was in distress and wanted to talk. He was in no condition to talk or drive but couldn’t leave her to sleep in the house alone. “Baby, can you drive over? I’m in no condition to talk now,” he slurred. “I think it’s late. I don’t think it’s…”
Alice began but he waved it off. “You can do it in less than 10 minutes dear. It’s not too late. What time is it? It’s never late in Lagos,” he said, not checking the time. He should have, because it was almost 11.30pm. After more argument, she reluctantly agreed to drive over. She just couldn’t bear the pain in her heart anymore. She threw a loose silk top over a floral Lycra pants. No makeup. She would just dash there and be back within an hour or more.
As the gate of the estate was shut behind her, she realised that it was late. Her eyes dashed to the dashboard clock. It was about eight minutes to midnight! What? She slammed on her brakes and wanted to make a u-turn when she picked out the headlamp of an oncoming vehicle. Fear gripped her.
The road was deserted. She lifted her foot off the brakes and brought it down, hard, on the throttle and the Mercedes CLK lunged forward. In no time, she was honking at his gate. She was panting as she got into his sitting room. “What’s the problem? You have been crying,” he said as he got back to the ottoman, after securing the locks of the door.
“He didn’t come back again. Three consecutive nights. I called and called. He said he was okay and would be back ‘soon’. My last call was picked by a woman who called me an old hag. Can you imagine that? After all I did for him? How long can I continue like this? The doctors said nothing is wrong with me, that we should just keep trying. For how long will I continue to live like this? For how long?” She cried and cried. He didn’t know what to say. He had told his brother to change his ways. To pay more attention to his wife who had been suffering so much. In his present befuddled state, he could do nothing. His heart ached. The woman he wanted was not forthcoming.
He swigged from the cognac bottle again and held it out to her. “Here, take a sip. It will help calm you down. I really don’t know what to say again. I’ve talked with James. I dunno what seems to be wrong with him. But I know he will come back to his senses. I know he will. I’ve been drinking. Can’t call him now. I’m not coordinated right now,” he said, slurring over most words. She took the bottle and didn’t sip. Instead, she took some swigs and the warm liquid burnt down her throat into her lunchstarved intestines.
The effect was in her brain in minutes. She swigged another gulp and began to cry. “Hey don’t cry baby. It will be okay. I’ll talk to him in the morning…” He moved to her and pulled her up. She leaned on his shoulders and cried. He patted her back while she cried. It’s good for her. After letting out the tears, she would feel better. He began to feel her warmth. He lifted her face and kissed her forehead, then her salty cheeks and then, he found her mouth. He got little resistance and kissed away. His hands rummaged in her silky blouse and found unfettered boobs. Aaaaah! He kneaded the nipples and she moaned.
The feel of the pure silk fabric on their skin was heavenly. She was kissing him back now. They held on to each other while their hands moved wildly over their bodies. They had got to the point of no return. His fingers found the single loop holding her blouse together and loosened it.
He then pulled it off her shoulders and it slipped to the floor. Few seconds later, her floral pants was hanging around her ankles. He bent and held it so she could walk out of it.
He then kissed from her knees up her thighs, circumventing her honeypot, up her belly to her boobs where he took one, then the other into his mouth. She moaned louder, tugging at his pyjama bottoms. He waltzed her to the ottoman, sat her on it and knelt before her. He found her mouth again and prodded it with his tongue, sucking and kissing her lower lips. He went lower, sucking her tits slowly, his finger travelled lower, found her clit and rubbed softly.
A soft moan escaped as his index finger slide into her warm, moist cave of wonders. He bent lower, pushed her gently on her back and went to work between her thighs with his mouth.
She let out a scream as his prodding tongue licked and sucked her labia. He drew the string of his pyjama bottoms and slipped out it. They lost it as his ramrod whatchamacallit’s cap hit her clit… He travelled back in time to his room on the campus. She was young and shy. He got in there for the first time or so he thought…today, she wasn’t so tight but she’s got all the tricks.
The alcohol in their system mixed with the agony in their hearts and didn’t allow them to think of playing safe. They held on to each other, each drawing warmth and succor for their individual heartache.
But the gods wouldn’t let them hide that secret. A seed was planted to remind them of that discreet but passion-filled little business. ***** Dave recalls that call that changed everything.
Then, he shakes his head to break his reverie. It’s full moon now and it’s time to reap what he sowed nine moons ago. He had always wanted to be in the labour room while his wife is delivered of his baby. Alice is in there but he wouldn’t be able to stay there! He glances at James and wonders what is going on in his mind. James paces aimlessly in the car park. He cannot describe how he feels.
What? His wife is in labour but not for his child. She is going to be delivered of another man’s child! Whose child? Who has been tilling his ground? He either seeks the truth and bears the shame when the bubble bursts or live the lie, knowing that another man is farming in his garden.
He shakes his head again as if to shake off the truth. He paces a few steps and stops in front of Kathryn’s car. He recalls the happenings of the day and wonders if Dave suspects any fowl play.
He glances at Dave who is looking into space and wonders what is going through his mind. He is grateful that Dave was around when Alice arrived. He was the one who rushed to her, helped her in and was massaging her waist all through. He just hung around like a ghost that was not given a befitting burial. He shakes his head and smiles. Why think of death when they are expecting new lives? Well, in the midst of life, there is death, so they say.
He feels most uneasy. A nurse rushes out. They both rush towards her. She needs something from Kathryn’s car and without thinking, James pulls out her car key from his pocket and walks to the car.
Dave follows him. They got to the booth and Dave exclaims, “By Jove! What happened to this car?” “She had an accident,” James says before realizing his folly. He bit his lower lip and draws blood. “Accident? Where? How did you know?”
Dave asks, confused. At that very moment, another nurse runs out and beckons on them. “What’s the…any problem…who…” Dave stutters. She smiles and says, “She’s been delivered of a baby…”
“Who?” The two men ask in unison. They look at each other and race into the hospital. Dave, because he’s excited and James because he’s glad of that diversion. They meet a doctor at the door of the labour room. “Congratulations, you’ve got a big boy in there,” he says, pointing to a private ward. “Who?” They ask him. “Alice. Kathryn is making progress,” he says, walking away.
“Great! Dave shouts, beaming from ear to ear while James looks at him. “My guy, cheer up. A son!” Dave says with pride. “A son, yes, whose son?” James asks.
“My…our son! Let’s go see them,” Dave says. As the two men enter the room, Alice looks up. The look on James’ face is not encouraging at all, but the joy on Dave’s face is infectious. He rushes to her, hugs and pecks her on the forehead. He then moves to the cot and freezes. The tiny tot is his mirror image! James sits on the edge of the bed and looks at his wife. They stare at each other.
After a while, he says, “Congratulations!” “Thank you,” Alice responds and adds, “ Won’t you see the baby?” “Oh yes…yes…how are you feeling?” James asks, moving towards the baby’s crib. “I’m fine,” she says. Dave pulls back as James approaches the baby’s cot. As James beholds the tiny tot, his heart fills with joy.
The baby looks so beautiful. There’s something vaguely familiar about him. A son for him! His shame is covered.
He smiles. Surely, they can make amends. Alice watches him closely, wondering what is going on in his mind. Her eyes lock with Dave’s and she asks, “How is my sister?” The atmosphere changes again, “The doctors are still with her…”
The door opens and a nurse beckons on Dave. “Doctor needs you,” she says. “Oh sure,” he says. Dave plants a kiss on the baby’s forehead and rushes after the nurse.
James plants a kiss on Alice’s lips and rushes after him. Alice watches them rush off, wondering…
Indeed, what is happening to the two men? Why hasn’t Kathryn who got to the hospital first given birth? Let’s find out here on Sunday.

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