Monday, July 20, 2015

Cameron unveils strategy to beat Islamist extremism

Cameron unveils strategy to beat Islamist extremism
Prime Minister David Cameron has set out the government’s strategy to defeat the “poison” of Islamist extremism in Britain.
He pledged to tackle what he called “the failures of integration” which have seen hundreds of UK citizens joining Islamic State (IS) militants.
Some British-born Muslims “have little attachment” to UK society, he said.
He promised to act to “de-glamourise” groups like IS by making young people aware of the brutal reality.
Speaking in Birmingham, Cameron set out four major issues which needed to be addressed – countering the “warped” extremist ideology, the process of radicalisation, the “drowning out” of moderate Muslim voices and the “identity crisis” among some British-born Muslims.
He talked about Britain as a “multi-racial, multi-faith democracy” and as a “beacon to the world”. He said no-one should be demonised and moderate Muslims also hated the “sick world view” of extremists.
“I want to work with you to defeat this poison,” he said.
He said the government’s strategy included plans to:
*Set up a new scheme allowing parents to have their own children’s passports removed if they suspect them of planning to travel abroad to join a radical group
*Enable the communications watchdog Ofcom to clamp down on cable TV channels broadcasting extremist messages
*”Incentivise” schools to become more integrated
*Address the problem of radicalisation in prisons and online
*Set up a new engagement forum
*Launch a study looking at how extremism spreads
*Find ways to emphasise British values
*Consult on legislation that would provide anonymity for life for victims of forced marriage
Cameron said: “This is how I believe we can win the struggle of our generation.
“Countering the extremist ideology; standing up and promoting our shared British values; taking on extremism in all its forms, both violent and non-violent; empowering those moderate and reforming voices who speak for the vast majority of Muslims that want to reclaim their religion; and addressing the identity crisis that some young people feel by bringing our communities together and extending opportunity for all.”
He also spoke about a lack of confidence when it came to enforcing British values, referring specifically to forced marriage and female genital mutilation, reports the BBC.
“No more turning a blind eye on the basis of cultural sensitivities,” he said.

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