Thursday, June 04, 2015

Buhari must tackle fuel scarcity, power in time - Sheu

Power, fuel scarcity must be quickly tackled – Sheu

Dr. Emman Sheu is one of the leaders of #Bringbackourgirls (BBOG) advocacy group asking for the safe rescue of the 219 kidnapped Chibok schoolgirls. In this interview with YEKEEN NURUDEEN, he speaks on his expectations from the new government.
What should be the priority of the new government?
Immediately after the election that General Muhammadu Buhari emerged winner, my thinking was that security should be a priority. For me, two major issues must be quickly addressed. The issue of electricity and the issue of fuel. I think these are two key issues to be addressed. Certainly, the past administration doesn’t seem to be bothered about the impact this was having on the country.
So, these issues must be urgently addressed because we must not allow the country to collapse. Then once there is a stabilisation of electricity and fuel, the government should fix the security challenge especially in the North-East. It should begin to fashion out a proper response to the challenge which unfortunately has been allowed to fester and from all indication, it is becoming a regional affair because of the affiliations between Boko Haram and ISSIS.
It is very obvious that situation in Libya, Mali is feeding into the horns of these affiliations and it’s affecting countries right from Libya, Mali, Niger, Cameroon and down to Nigeria. Already, the terrorists and insurgents have had edge on this administration, but we must quickly not only look for local solution but also begin to look for regional approach before ISSIS and Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram create something that will shock all of us in the West Africa subregion. And then of course the issue of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), I think we have to be realistic about it. It has to be broken up because we cannot continue like this. Also, the economy should be quickly revived and government must also work towards addressing unemployment by creating jobs.
What about the issue of corruption and good governance?
Of course, I think the relevant bodies must be strengthened and be encouraged to be begin to function properly. We must begin to see leadership by example where leaders are above board and where there are issues to be handled, let them be quickly handled and those that have to be fished out are fished out and we have zero tolerance for corruption. Also we do not want to see impunity in any form especially in the way government is run in the country. We must begin to see all institutions in the country working properly and deliver good governance all over Nigeria.
How about cutting the cost of governance?
That’s very important. There must be an approach, which is part of the economy and that has to do with cutting our coat according to our cloth because the era of big government is not really palatable. We must begin to see a new approach to governance so that we only have differential in terms of governance. I totally agree that we must cut down the size of our institutions. Overbloated structures must be scaled down as quickly as possible.

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