Monday, August 24, 2015

JOSEPH BENJAMIN:I’m fine being a single parent

JOSEPH BENJAMIN:I’m fine being a single parent

His good looks and velvet voice have endeared Joseph Benjamin to movie buffs home and abroad. It’s no surprise then that his face adorns many movie jackets. The actor and TV host speaks with DGossip247 on hosting MTN Project Fame and having two children even though he’s single.

You’re looking forward to winning the award of the Best Actor award at the City People Entertainment Awards; how does this feel?
That’s correct, I look forward to it and I’m just calm to expect whatever comes out of it. But I have a feeling that I’ll carry the day. I trust my God and the instincts he gave me.
Is it true that you were a bus conductor at some point?
To God be the glory, I’d been through a lot of things and I’ve come out a conqueror. And victory from the shackles of negativity is all that matters; God has given that and much more. The journey to the top hasn’t been easy but I’ve walked the path.
How long have you hosted MTN Project Fame now?
This is the seventh year I’ve been hosting the show. Dare Art Alade did the debut edition and I joined from the second till date.
Have you no fear that you might lose it to someone else?
I have no such fear as long as I’m passionately dedicated to what I’m doing.
You always don’t talk about the woman in your life, is anything the problem?
I’m sorry but I’ve always drawn a line here.
How is life taking care of two kids all by yourself?
It’s not a task. It’s an experience, and a beautiful one. Being a father has helped me build the very fabric of who I am as a man. It’s helped me to grow and mature. It’s taught me responsibility and so I would say being a father has been a blessing for me because I have been able to draw strength from that and put it into my work. It has helped me balance my life in a sense.
How do you juggle work and fatherhood?
I try to balance it. It can be difficult at times, but I try in the midst of all that to balance it. I speak to them a lot.
What do you find most exciting about being a parent?
Being responsible for lives is as exciting and challenging. Knowing that these lives are your responsibility; whatever comes out of this is on you. That has me in check and it’s lovely.
So what has being a father really changed about you?
I have a different view on life. I’ve come to understand what our parents went through and I can relate with them directly. I do understand. And it’s made me more a c c o u n t – able. And b u s i n e s s – wise, it has helped me because you realize every penny counts as a father and a parent because you know that you have a responsibility to these people. So whatever business decisions you are making, you understand that. You are also economically conscious of the fact that they are your first priority.
Do you have some counsel for men who find themselves in similar situation?
My advice is that your children and family should be first priority. Be close to them and let their lives be part of yours and [and let your life] be a part of theirs. You guys should be together – make time for them – you can speak to them now and then and let them feel your presence even if you are not there physically, it goes a long way. And more personally try to be there for special events in their lives. Those are memories that would constantly remain with them. It’s key to try to protect your children from the limelight. Shut them away from all of that; create a world for them and let them be in that world. That way, they have a balanced life.
Which is more tedious between hosting shows and acting?
Both of them come with their workloads. In being a compere – it’s about you. You’re the one relating with the people on behalf of a brand like Joseph Benjamin does for MTN Project Fame. But being an actor, you take on the personality of another person, you have to reason and act like that person and that is more demanding because it has to be believable.
You sometimes get emotional in the course of the show especially when certain contestants are evicted. Aren’t you supposed to hide your sentiments even if your judgment favours anyone?
It’s because I’m passionate about what I do and maybe at a point, those people have put up a good fight and they end up defeated. We’re humans first of all.
Apart from hosting MTN Project Fame and acting what else should fans expect from you?
After Project Fame and acting, music is in the works.
Are you not considering producing your own film like most of your colleagues?
I might do that but music is the most prominent.
What kind of music is it likely to be?
It’s going to be soul gospel. I’ve always been in music, that’s where I started from before I went into any other thing.
Of all your movies, which one has been the most challenging?
It will be very difficult to tell which one is the most challenging but I remember that Iyori, the one I did with Rita Dominic is really challenging for me. This is because it was set in the ancient Benin kingdom in Benin city and it’s my first epic movie. And it’s been quite successful, it took a lot from me to get into that character. As it comes you understand and you discover.
Have you had a crush on any of the actress you’ve crossed paths with?
I’ve had no crush on anybody, maybe I have a crush on my mum (giggles).
How did you start acting?
I started off acting as a child, aged 12, in the popular children’s programme – Tales By Moonlight on NTA. My first acting experience was on Tales by Moonlight. I was part of the people that were acting out the stories then. Then I left the acting scene for many years and later in 1991, I was cast in my first movie titled, Crossroads.
It had the likes of Ramsey Noah, Pat Attah, Victoria Iyamah, Sandra Achums, Ejike Asiegbu and Gbenga Richards. I also played a role in popular TV Soap, Edge of Paradise, where I was a bachelor who lived next to a family whose daughter had soft spot for. What was memorable about that role was that I had to be on dreadlocks. It was quite an amazing experience for me.

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