Sunday, July 26, 2015

‘We found love in the classroom’

‘We found love in the classroom’
My name is Simon. I remember when I and my fiancée first met in the classroom or lecture hall at the university. She was the most classy girl in class and I almost instantly infatuated with her, which later developed into love. After I introduced myself to her, I offered her a handshake and she pleasantly obliged me by giving me a soft lady-like handshake.
But after shaking her hand, I intentionally refused to release it because it was very soft to hold. So I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed it. After kissing her hand like white men do to their women, my eyes were drawn to her beautifully painted fingernails, and I instantly fell in love with her fingernails.
We chatted and got up close and personal, and I suggested to her that since our exams were soon approaching, it would be better for us to read together. I also said I would like her to teach me one or two things in some of our courses which I found difficult to understand.
Some students were saying that it would pay us better if the school authorities postponed our upcoming final year exams because we didn’t know how it was going to be, considering the fact that we were not yet ready. However, the same set of students were also advising everyone who cared to listen that it would be better to take many electives from other departments in order to increase our cumulative grade points.
Wura was one girl in my department that I really admired. Right from our first year in the university, I had had a serious crush on her. I don’t know whether it was infatuation or not. All I knew was that my heart longed for Wura. I’m a shy person by nature and throughout the years I could not muster the courage to walk up to Wura and tell her that she was the only woman I dreamt of every night.But now that we were in our final year at school, I was desperate to be friends with her because I feared that I would lose her totally after we had graduated. Now was the time to tell her the way I felt about her.
That blessed day, as Wura walked into the class, I struggled to overcome my long lasting timidity and walked up to her. Wura walked into our classroom looking lovely as usual. Somehow, l knew that she wasn’t going to snub me. l didn’t know why… but l just felt that Wura was the one meant for me. Now, looking back, l know why l felt that way. It was because God had destined us for each other.
Time passed and we started to know each other a little more. We went to a dinner at the end of our first semester together. Great dinner. After that, we spent a “long” time without news of each other. Almost a month. At the end of the first semester, l traveled and so did Wura. But l knew we still had a lot of things to find out about each other. Our second semester together soon started. And classrooms, labs, assignments, tests and going to the cyber café together to browse the Internet made us become closer. In every class, every conversation, every word said, l could feel love like fire in my heart for her and the desperate urge to get to know everything about her.
Now, two years after, we have both completed our NYSC programme and started working. Sometimes we feel that we can even read each other’s mind. It’s funny and very pleasant to know a person who looks like you, thinks like you and have the same tastes for food, movies and music. When one of my friends recently seemed to express doubt concerning the love we have for each other, I told him that as long as we loved each other deep in our hearts, nothing could and would ever come between us. I have a favourite love quote which says that there is no such thing as a “broken family.”
Family is family, and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart. The only time family becomes null is when those ties in the heart are cut. If you cut those ties, those people are not your family. If you make those ties, those people are your family. And if you hate those ties, those people will still be your family because whatever you hate will always be with you. It’s a famous quote by JoyBell and it fits perfectly into my concept of the family and my relationship with my loved one.
It was Elbert Hubbard who said a friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. I thank God that even with all my flaws and past mistakes, my woman still believes in me and continues to stand by my side, come rain, come shine. I wished we could have more time together but l know it’s hard because Wura, my love, works in a bank. The important thing is to make it worth it when we are together. We have met each other’s families and they have given their consent for us to set a date for our wedding. We are currently saving money for our marriage. And by the grace of God, we’ll get married before the end of the year.

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