Monday, July 20, 2015

Face to face with reality!

Face to face with reality!
James looks at his wife, distaste written all over him. “To think I was living with a whore all these years without knowing it! I feel so dirty, so ashamed! You’re a disgrace to womanhood, Alice,” James says. They’re back in their home, a six-bedroom duplex.
Alice stretches out on the divan in the tastefully furnished sitting room. Her handbag rests on a delicately carved antique side stool. “A tart will not cease to be one. That’s why you had to tell your shame to the world.
A respectable wife would have confessed those horrible past to her husband in the privacy of their bedroom. But not my shameless wife who must announce it in the presence of her equally shameless soul sister!” James hisses. Alice merely makes herself more comfortable on the divan.
She cuddles a plush cream colour teddy bear. Her indifference seems to infuriate him the more. “Look, you can’t pretend anymore. For the number of years I have known you, you have pretended to be a caring, gentle, unassuming soul. I just realised that you are not that. A woman who started walking the streets as a kid can’t amount to anything. You are a lie, your life is a lie. A worthless woman.
Of what use is a barren woman to her husband? I’m beginning to wonder if you have a womb!” James says. Now, that stings and Alice springs up. “Look, saint James, for once, you hit the nail right on the spot. I’m not cool, I’m not gentle! I had to tame myself because I wanted to build a happy home.
That’s why I had to take all the rubbish you gave me in this home. But right now, I ain’t gonna take any more shit from you. I walked the streets and to survive there, you need real balls and I got it. I won’t take kindly to you calling me barren. Anymore of such words, I’ll show why I was known as the queen of the night,” Alice says. “Queen of the night,” James scoffs, adding, “Which respectable woman would go by such a moniker? Queen of the night! And I met you in a church! Such pretense!
A woman dances her fruitful life away and when she’s nearing her menopause, she takes up residence in a church, looking for innocent, godly men to prey on.” “Yes, innocent, godly men that patronize same whores and sire children by them!” Alice huffs. “She is no whore and even if I fail to convince you on that, at least, she’s better. She has a womb. Unlike you that doesn’t have. It’s a proof I’m a man.
A real man. I almost thought I had problem until she told me she was pregnant. It was then I realised that my ‘churchous’ wife was the cause of our childlessness. To think that you knew you couldn’t have children and still disturbed my sleep at nights with your crocodile tears,” James spits. Alice sits up. She has been holding her temper with difficulty. She is also aware that in her pregnant state, she has to take things easy. But she is seething with anger. It’s a good thing she hasn’t told James that she is pregnant.
“Look James, I’ll take every insult from you, but not when u tell me I don’t have a womb. I won’t take that from you, “ she tells him icily. “So, why didn’t you give me a child. You lied that you were pregnant.
That was why I married you. You deceived me Alice. You deceived me and made me believe your ‘I’m pregnant’ lie. You weren’t pregnant. I just realised that,” James says. “Yes dear, I wasn’t pregnant. That pregnancy story was a lie. But you asked for it. You were full of yourself and what your so-called virile self could achieve. You boasted that any woman you met without protection would get pregnant. You met me without sheath and I decided to oil your ego. What did your boastful self say then? You thumped your chest and said, ‘I told you!’ You would have died if after that I told you your much touted virility was a mirage.
“Why didn’t you leave me after years of childlessness? You couldn’t leave because you were enjoying my wealth…wealth acquired with money I got from harlotry, your much despised harlotry. Deny it James, deny the fact that you didn’t fall in love with my wealth! If you knew I was a whore, you would still have married me because I came as a low maintenance woman. Instead, I was the person spending on you since we got married. Look into my eyes and tell me that I looked ‘low mileage’ when you met me,” Alice fumes. “All I know is that I hate whores. Yes, everybody knows I hate them.
Was that your confession necessary? If you needed to confess, why didn’t you confess to only me? Not you’ve made me a laughingstock,” James says angrily. Alice jumps to her feet and dashes into the kitchen. She comes out minutes later brandishing a kitchen knife. “You hate what? You hate whores?
You stand before me and tell me barefaced lie? Let me lay my hands on you. I will carve your face after piercing that your piggy tummy,” she screams. James face turns ashen. He jumps behind the divan and runs round, Alice in hot chase. “Wait for me. I will pierce that your big tummy and let out everything inside.
You call yourself a man but you cannot take care of your home. You don’t ever have money to do anything at home. But you have more than enough to spend on whores and you still have the nerve to tell me to my face that you hate whores,” Alice screams. She realises that she doesn’t have the strength to run around. Moreover, she ought to be careful. She is pregnant and shouldn’t stress herself too much. She stops. “Look James, you are moving out of my house today! I’ve had enough of you,” she tells him.
“No! We are not fighting dear,” James says. “We are darling. If you don’t have anywhere to move to, then go and meet one of your whores. At least you have one with bastards for you,” she says, and adds as an afterthought, “I could do without you in my life. “No Alice, I love you. I still do. I’ve forgiven you.
We don’t need to quarrel over this. I can’t move in with any woman. I know I cheated on you but it’s only with Helen. I couldn’t leave her when she became pregnant. I’m sorry. Please put that knife away,” he says, his eyes glued to the knife in Alice’s hand. “I hate it when men tell barefaced lies. Your life was a lie from the first day we met. One after the other, I found out that stories of your businesses were stacked lies…even the one with Dave. Dave owns the business and was helping you out as a brother,” Alice says, her eyes fixed on his. “It’s a lie,” James says, but without conviction. “You stack more lies.
Dave told me himself when I asked. I had always suspected you weren’t telling me the truth,” Alice says. “Dave told you? Why? Why should he tell you that? What relationship do you have with him that will make him say that to you? “Don’t worry your head over that. When it’s time to tell, I will tell you every little thing you wanna know. While you are chewing on that, may I also let you know that I’m aware you were giving my money to whores that you patronize!”
Alice says slowly. “Now, that is the lie of the century,” James says with indignation. “Lie? Even when there are evidences of your dealing with whores…including my sister, Kathryn? Or you think I didn’t know you were sleeping with her for three years and paying for her services, knowing fully well that she was a whore?” Kathryn hurls the words at him. James blanches. He stares at Alice….
Did Alice say that?
How will James get out of this? Let’s meet here on Sunday!
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