Budding musician, Fasesin Ayobami, popularly known as Ay-B, tells Saturday Beats about his career
What was actually your dream job when you were much younger?
I have always wanted to be a lawyer or a banker but I ended up studying Economics and I am now doing music. It’s quite different from what I envisaged while growing up but God knows best.
So why did you choose to become a musician?
The main reason is to fulfill the burning desire I have in me. I have a passion for music and it is what keeps motivating me. Music keeps calling out to me and I’m willing to let the passion take control.
What are the challenges you have faced building your brand?
The major challenge so far is finance. It’s not easy for an up-and-coming act to gain favours in Nigeria just like that. Contrary to popular belief, good music is quite expensive to make.
Tell us about your family and what growing up was like for you?
I come from a closely knitted family. I have a dad, mum and a younger sister. Growing up had different stages; it had its ups and downs. At some point, things were hard and sometimes they were easy too. But we are a family and so we went through them as a family.
What was your parents’ reaction when you decided to venture into music?
My father shouted ‘no way’ the first time I told him. After pleading and begging, it was still “no way.” Then more pleading and more begging followed and he said, “Ok, but finish school first.” Even my mum was resolute about that and so I did. Now, they support me fully but still keep an eye on me to point out what is truly important and what is not.
What measures did they put in place to ensure that you stopped doing music?
Nothing really; just the regular talk like ‘You are still wasting your time with this music nonsense’ or ‘You are a confused person.’ Surprisingly, some lecturers actually encouraged me to follow my passion, but they all told me to get educated and get a degree first.
While you were in school and doing music, did you get preferential treatment from your classmates and lecturers?
I had to make sure I made the required class attendance and wrote my tests and exams even though I was quite popular. There was no preferential treatment whatsoever. But it helped to make me a better person, to be able to juggle all these activities was not easy but it taught me how to plan my life better.
How were you able to combine school and music?
It wasn’t easy. I remember having to juggle studio time with lectures and some lecturers did not understand this is my dream. Some of them felt I was wasting my time. Some were supportive, but still insisted like my parents, that I finish school first before focusing on music full time. In the end, I realised both were important. I had to strike a balance between both.
Reggae is not the most celebrated genre of music in Nigeria, why did you choose to sing reggae?
I actually do rap, but I am influenced by a lot of genres- from hip hop, reggae, to pop and R and B.
How do you get inspiration?
Life inspires me. I have been through a lot and I am still standing. I thank God for His mercies and love. So I get inspired by every single thing I see daily. Also, any sound in an instrumental can inspire me, it can be the horn of a car and the idea just comes. I guess inspiration is from God, so He alone can truly say how it gets to us.
What makes you different from other up-and-coming acts?
Musically, I write my songs and try to fuse different elements into them; I am not stagnant. Personally, I am happy and coming into the knowledge of who I am, I guess being me makes the difference in my songs.
How did you discover your talent?
From when I was in secondary school at age 15, I was always drawn to rap music and listened to a lot of it. I started miming and soon after, I decided to start writing and that’s how my talent got horned and blossomed.
Was there ever a point in your life you felt like quitting?
I have felt like quitting many times. It’s hard doing anything in Nigeria without talking about music. The system in Nigeria is oppressive for a budding business or career, music career isn’t immune to this oppression. And it’s not about giving money, it’s about the fact that this oppressive system refuses to let any creative mind think and define themselves for themselves. It defines you, it sucks you, it exploits you and tries to frustrate you. The best you can do as a human being is to keep being true to your dreams and help as many people as possible along the way to fulfill their dream. That way, you become a success multiple times through being a part of people’s success stories.
How has your partner been coping with your career?
I am very much single, but not searching now. I am focused on my career. When the time comes, I’m sure the right partner will come. It’s like the Chinese proverb, ‘when the student is ready, the master will come.’ I need more time and when I’ll be ready, I’m sure she will show up.
What is the craziest thing a female fan has done to you?
Please let me keep that under wrap for now. My mum still reads and listens to my interviews.
How do you cope with female fans?
Female fans? The truth is ladies make the world go round. I try to treat them with respect and even if they try to get me to do crazy things, there is a way to refuse and still make them feel special instead of making them feel stupid. I feel every woman is a star that needs to be polished to shine.
You have a single with Yemi Alade, what was it like working with her?
Yemi Alade is a great person. She is one of the few people I have met in this industry that are genuinely interested in helping others come up and that is how I think it should be. She has a great manager too. I wrote the song in which I featured her, but from voicing it in the studio to even the video shoot, she was very professional and wonderful.
A lot of artistes have a crush on Yemi Alade, are you one of them?
Well, it’s quite hard not to have a crush on a diva like Yemi Alade, she deserves every form of attention and focus she is getting now. That being said, what we have is a big sister/little brother relationship. She is my big sister not my lover I can’t have a crush on her.
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