Friday, April 17, 2015

Nigeria air traffic controllers suspend strike

Nigeria air traffic controllers on Friday suspended a strike that had grounded all domestic flights, but warned that a more damaging work stoppage would be launched next week if their demands were not met.“The strike was a warning strike,” said Yakubu Dati of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN). “Normal flights have now resumed,” he told AFP.

The work stoppage by the National Association of Air Traffic Controllers caused chaos and frustration at airports across the country.

Union chief Victor Eyaru was quoted widely in local media on Friday as saying that a more protracted strike would be launched on April 20 if their calls for better pay and improved working conditions were not answered.

Domestic air travel is a crucial means of transport across Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, given the poor conditions of many roads and relatively limited train network.

Attacks by roadside bandits who target motorists have also led to an increased reliance on domestic flights.

International carriers were not affected by Thursday’s strike.

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