Thursday, April 02, 2015

My Husband Always Beats Me With Belt Over Small Misunderstanding (PHOTOS)

I am so angry right now,my elder sister is suffering in her husband's house,he beats her with head of belt at will,she bleeds all the time,she has 3kids for him,my sister is a very decent woman,was never wayward but accused her that the children might not be his,he took all of them for DNA,and all came out 99.9 his,he was dumbfounded,and looked for another one to hold,saying she doesn't cook for him.
I've been to their house before and she cooks,he just doesn't eat her food,lying up and down,told my sister and i not to visit them I said ok,just last night look at what he did to her?

Funny enough she has had enough and wants to leave but trying to cover the shame that will be on my family especially my dad and might block the way for my sisters and i since we are of marriageable ages now,but after yesterday's beating,God forbid.
She is willing to leave damning all the consequences and we are all behind her,the only problem is that she didn't do a court wedding,she did traditional marriage and church wedding,and the church certificate isn't the one from court,like other churches e.g Catholic,and she is a stay at home mum,had issues with her admission in her final year and so she had to leave,she is so helpless now,
Please anybody that has a lawyer that can advise her on remedies,she is married to him for 8 years now,and it's been hell,Please she needs a good lawyer to help her out.

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