Monday, April 27, 2015

Clinton crushes Webb, ties Bush in Virginia poll

Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton are running neck-and-neck in Virginia, according to a new Christopher Newport University poll released Monday.

Bush grabbed 48 percent among registered voters in the state, compared with 46 percent for Clinton. Other Republicans appear to be gaining on Clinton as well, judging by the results of the same poll conducted in February.

Old Dominion Republicans do not have a favorite for their nominee yet. Jeb Bush leads the crowded field of 14 hopefuls, with just 17 percent. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is a close second with 16 percent, and there’s a three-way tie for third at 10 percent with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

Clinton remains the overwhelming Democratic choice, picking up 80 percent. Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, who is flirting with a presidential run of his own, is next closest — at 6 percent.

The poll was conducted April 13-24, surveying 658 registered voters in the state on land lines and cellphones, with an overall margin of error of plus or minus 4.6 percentage points.

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