Monday, August 24, 2015

Your breathing could be the cause of pains and tiredness

Your breathing could be the cause of pains and tiredness

We all know that drawing a deep breath makes us feel instantly better. So why is it so easy to forget? Most of us never think about how we breathe unless we are short of breath through exercise, illness or stress. The result is we get into the habit of using only about a third of our lungs, even though the area that our lung tissue would cover if it was spread out is unbelievably the size of a tennis course. Writing for Healthista, Anna Magee talks to the experts about breathing techniques and how your breath can make you healthier.
One or more of these symptoms can indicate you aren’t breathing correctly, says Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, a psychophysiologist at Capio Nightingale Hospital.
Sighing more than usual
Cause – Habitually holding breath With intermittent deep sighing, the body is instinctively trying to make up for the oxygen deficit that holding the breath leads to.
Yawning often
Cause – Shallow breathing. When we’re relaxed we take about five to eight breaths a minute. A shallow breather can take anything from ten to 20, most from the chest. If people are commenting that you sigh or yawn often, or you’re doing it when you wouldn’t normally, incorrect breathing may be to blame.
Grinding your teeth at night
Cause – Stress and shallow breathing Breathing incorrectly often accompanies tooth grinding as both are symptoms of stress. In about 40 per cent of the chronically stressed or mentally ill people I see, tooth grinding and breathing inefficiently go hand in hand.
Tight neck and shoulders
Cause – Chest breathing. When you breathe only into your chest, the muscles in the neck, shoulders and back will attempt to ‘chip in’ and help the body breathe deeper so the lungs get more air. If you find you often feel tense in this area and it’s not related to recent exercise or injury your breathing may be to blame.
Always feeling tired
Cause – Inefficient breathing. Breathing incorrectly means you don’t get enough of one of the three essentials needed for energy – oxygen, food and water. Furthermore, if people breathe inefficiently they use as little as 20 per cent of their lung capacity leaving other muscles such as the back, neck and shoulders making more effort to fill the lungs. One of the most convincing theories behind chronic fatigue syndrome connects it to incorrect breathing.
These two common breathing patterns can constrict your lungs’ capacitywhen you breathe. Sound familiar?
Mouth Breathing
Breathing through our mouths instead of our noses is the most common bad habit says Lizzie Flude, a chartered physiotherapist specialising in respiratory medicine. People who are anxious and busy often start using their mouths to breath which causes a dry mouth as well as tiredness. Plus the intake of more air than is needed also means the release of too much carbon dioxide too quickly which can cause palpitations, chest pains and tingling in the hands and feet. Left unchecked, such breathing can turn into recurring panic attacks and hyperventilation when people are nervous or frightened, says Dr Prowse.
Breath Holding Unconsciously holding
our breath is prevalent among driven, highachieving personalities, according to Dr Ramlakhan. They may be really fit, but also anxious by nature. So the natural flow of breathing is held unconsciously but habitually – usually because of stress. Breath holders find themselves taking sudden deep breaths or giving deep sighs to over-compensate. Breath holders often breath into their chests too, which increases feelings of stress and may also cause tightness in the shoulders and neck.
Follow these exercises three times a week for three weeks to change your breathing technique. The aim is to breathe slowly and deeply in and out through your nose, ensuring you are breathing from your diaphragm rather than taking a shallow breath into your chest. To find your diaphragm, place your hands at the base of your ribs and breathe deeply. The diaphragm should expand sideways while your belly expands outwards, while chest and shoulders stay relaxed. Now sit on a chair or lie on the floor, making sure to keep warm. Keeping warm helps to relax the respiratory muscles which are the abdominal muscles, the diaphragm and the muscles in the back.
Courtesy: Daily Mail.

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