Friday, August 07, 2015

Trump attacked in Republican debates

The Republican candidates running for US president have attacked frontrunner Donald Trump in their first debate.
The tycoon, who has upended the race with controversial comments about war heroes and Mexicans, was centre stage.
He was immediately criticised by Rand Paul for being the only candidate who refused to rule out a third-party run against any eventual Republican winner.
The 10 candidates on stage in Cleveland were selected by Fox News on the basis of recent national polls.
The debate featured some frank exchanges as candidates vied to stand out in such a crowded Republican field.
Key moments included:
*Rand Paul attacked by Chris Christie for calling on surveillance curbs
*all candidates condemned nuclear deal with Iran
*Donald Trump mocked Rosie O’Donnell for her appearance
*but he stumbled somewhat on his past support for a national healthcare system
*Jeb Bush forced to defend his support for Common Core education
*Mike Huckabee to abolish the inland revenue service and department of education
*join Isis and you sign your death warrant, said Ted Cruz
*earlier, Carly Fiorina mocked Trump’s links to the Clintons in a separate debate
On Thursday, the Democratic Party announced they will hold their first debate in Nevada in October, hosted by CNN.
The format, which narrowed the field of 17 contenders to 10, has been criticised by some as unfair, reports the BBC.
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum reacted angrily to his omission.
He and the six other remaining candidates took part in an earlier debate that featured several attacks on Trump.

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