Friday, August 07, 2015

Canada’s PM targeted over economy in TV debate

Canadian party leaders attacked Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s economic record in a televised debate at the start of a long election campaign.
“Mr Harper, we really can’t afford another four years of you,” said New Democratic Party leader Thomas Mulcair.
The economy has been hurt by failing oil prices and Mulcair said the country could be in recession.
But Harper, who has called a parliamentary election for October 19, said there was reason for optimism.
Highlighting good job-creation figures amid a weak global economy, the prime minister said the other parties would raise taxes and bring Greek-style debt to Canada.
The solution, he said, was a “low-tax proven plan”, he said.
Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, also on stage, said the governing Conservative Party favoured the rich.
Mulcair is currently leading in the polls. His centre-left New Democratic Party recently made big gains in Alberta – traditionally a Conservative party stronghold, reports the BBC.
Green Party leader Elizabeth May competed the quartet of debaters and said Harper’s record on tackling climate change was a “litany of broken promises”.
Trudeau, the son of a former Prime Minister, benefits from high name recognition but has been criticised by his rivals for his lack of experience.
Harper’s centre-right Conservative Party has been in office since 2006 but analysts say he could struggle to form another majority government.
The election season that will run for a record 11 weeks.
However, a long campaign season could benefit the well-funded Conservative Party.

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