Friday, July 17, 2015

The Origin, History of Birthday by Funso, All About the CEO of DGossip247

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Birthdays are considered happy occasions when we celebrate a person’s special day with gifts, sweets, parties and good cheer. However, looking back into history, birthdays were not always seen as a festive day.

In Europe many thousands of years ago, a person’s birth-day was seen as a fearful experience. Common belief was that bad spirits could harm the person on the anniversary of his or her birth. A way to keep the evil spirits at bay was to surround oneself with family and friends, who often brought small gifts or food to share.

At these protective gatherings, people would use crude noisemakers to scare off the evil spirits lurking about. The custom of lighting candles and torches also began. In these days, most people believed that gods lived in the sky and a fire light that is later extinguished would send a sign to these gods.

Birthday celebrations began to take on a more positive tone during the Middle Ages, but they were still very rare and usually only celebrated by royalty or the very wealthy.

During the Reformation, the recognition of one’s birth-day began to be more common. In England, people began making cakes for the birthday person, often hiding coins, rings and thimbles inside.

The concept of children’s birthday celebrations was thought to have first started in Germany and the day was called Kinderfeste.

Over the centuries, birthdays have evolved from simple events with token presents and good wishes to a significant annual event in people’s lives. Most people now celebrate with a party of some type – especially for children. Sometimes birthday parties can be lavish events, these usually taking place for adults on what is considered a “milestone” birthday.

Today, birthday cakes with lighted candles are very popular for people of all ages, but children especially delight in making a wish and blowing out candles. And, a chorus of “Happy Birthday to You” before the candles are extinguished is almost always sung.

Most people receive gifts on their birthday, and young children usually have a party with their friends on or around their special day.

Coming of Age Birthdays

In the Jewish faith, the boys have a bar mitzvah on or around their 13th birthday. Jewish girls observe their bat mitzvah on or around their 12th or 13th birthday.

A quinceanera celebration for a girl’s 15th birthday, is celebrated in the Latin American cultures.

Girls in the United States have sweet 16 birthday parties, although this tradition has been waning somewhat in recent years.

In some Asian countries, a teenager’s 14th birthday is considered a milestone as society considers it the day one becomes a man or a woman.

Some African countries hold initiation ceremonies for groups of children. When children reach certain ages, they learn the laws, customs and beliefs of their tribes. In South Africa, a key is presented on the 21st birthday to signify that the person is ready to unlock the door to their future.

Birthday Parties Around the World

It’s interesting to read about how birthdays are celebrated in countries around the world. For instance, in Canada, the birthday child has his or her nose greased for good luck. Birthday children in China receive a gift of money and they are the guest of honor at a lunch party where noodles are served for good luck.

In Denmark a flag is flown outside to show that someone who lives in the house is celebrating a birthday. Presents are placed around the child’s bed while they are sleeping so they will see them immediately upon awakening.

The birthday child in Ireland is lifted upside down and “bumped” on the floor for the number of years of the birthday and then an extra bump is given for good luck.

Bumping is also traditional in England, but the person is merely lifted in the air rather than turned upside down. At the end, the “lifters” say “one for luck, two for luck and three for the old man’s coconut!” The birthday person also receives an English fortune-telling cake complete with coins or other significant trinkets baked into the cake. Whatever the birthday person receives in his or her slice will predict their future.

Unlike western culture, in Russia it is traditional to have a birthday pie rather than a cake. Often a child will have a special birthday message carved into the crust.

Finally, there are several birthday celebrations that have become traditions throughout Germany. First, the birthday candles are lit at sunrise and then left burning for the entire day. After dinner, everyone sings a birthday song and then the candles are finally blown out. Presents are then opened and a party begins. Another tradition is that men are often required to sweep the stairs of their city hall when they turn 30. If they have no girlfriend on this important birthday, the single male must sweep the stairs while his friends throw rubble.

The entire staff of DGossip247 wishes our CEO happy birthday in advance.

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