Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Press freedom day: Let journalism thrive

Photo by David Lawal
“Is the story well told, does it reflect all the sides to the story, but basically does it help the people to take informed decisions, does it advance society in a way, does it help for change.” These were the words of Mr. Musikilu Mojeed, a Nigerian delegate at the 2015 World Press Freedom Day (WPFD).
The event, co-hosted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, started on Saturday, 2nd of May in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, with a side event where participants discussed Media laws, restrictions on civil societies and internet freedom.
It was agree that freedom of expression is a fundamental principle of any democratic state without which citizens cannot make informed decisions and international laws require government to protect this freedom, particularly in relations to the activities of media practitioners.
However, the Latvian National Library saw a large attendance as the major event took place with different but interesting sessions, which all hinged on the theme: “Let Journalism Thrive – Towards Better Reporting, Gender Equality & Media Safety in the Digital Age”.
Speaking on Media and gender equality, Ms. Ifeyinwa Omowole, President – Nigerian Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) advocated for more women participation in the media. “The more women we have in the media, the more we are likely to have in managerial positions,” she stressed.
This session focused specially on the 2oth anniversary of Beijing Declaration and the platform for action. It would be recalled that the declaration, adopted by 189 governments at the 4th Women’s \conference, outlined 12 critical areas of concern that needed to be addressed. One of which is ‘Women and the Media’.
Mr. Edet Ojo, Executive Director, Media Rights Agenda in an interview submitted that the biggest challenge for the media in Africa is the availability of a lot of government and yet no government actors who attempt to restrict freedom of expression.
“They try to prevent you from saying things that they are uncomfortable about. But for other groups including terrorists groups, criminal organisations you find out that there are other forms of offline reprisals,” he observed.
In his opinion, the Scandinavian countries are the best in time of protecting journalists and freedom of speech saying: “They are open societies so they don’t really worry much about what their citizens say and maybe also, because the level of corruption in those societies are quite low so there is less concern.”
While the session on Regulations, Re-Regulations and De-Regulation came to the end, one point remained clear in the minds of participants, which is ‘If the media refuses to take up regulations for the profession, government will do because regulation is necessary anyways.’
Interestingly, the event this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of UNESCO and equally the Independence Day of the country of Latvia at 25 years.
Thus, Ms. Anda Rozukalne, Chairman of the Latvian Association of Journalists disclosed that the country could not treat matters of press freedom with levity for what it means to them. “Press freedom is very important to us because it played a vital role in the acquisition of our independence,” she noted.
The next edition of the WPFD in 2016 will be co-hosted by Finland making it the first time the event is held in the Scandinavian region with the theme: Freedom of Information, the Right to Seek and to Receive Information.
It was noted that UNESCO intends to focus on this issue in Finland, as ‘Finland has been one of the strongest supporters of the freedom of information (FoI)’, Mr. Ming-Kuok Lim, Program Specialist in the Division for Freedom of Expression and Media Development of UNESCO.
The delegation therefore adopted the Latvian Declarations after the Finnish Ambassador to Latvia, Mr. Olli Kantanen, officially received the torch from the chair of the steering committee of Latvia, Ms Baiba Braze, in a handover ceremony

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