Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lol… See the official legal contract for Side chicks

Ladies will you sign this official contract for side chicks …

Its strictly between the girl and the Cheating man…

See below…

I, ____________________ , promise 2 keep my mouf shut bout ur bizness at all times. I hereby state dat i will hav dinner ready on da preferred specified nights upon ur arrival. U, Spark em Up, will contribute 2 da lite, gas and water bill as well as food contributions monthly n da amounts of but no higher than $250 n order 2 keep me n line and 2 make sure u can wash ur ass afta u hav ur way wit me.

I promise 2 neva speak 2 or look at ur gurl and n turn, u will make evry effort 2 make sure we dont end up n da same location. I will b available 2 u 3 nites a week and I will specify 48 hours n advance if plans should change. U will not lie and make me feel as if i am more than just a side chick and i will not introduce u 2 anyone relevant n an attempt 2 feel more relevant.

As ur side chick, i also understand da hours dat r permissible 2 call ur phone and text. U are able 2 text and call at ur leisure. U are not allowed 2 act jealous. Dis violates da clause 2 not make me feel relevant. In da event dat ur gurl contacts me, i am 2 act as if ima gurlfriend of a good friend of urs and u will follow up with dat friend 2 play along as needed.

I will lissen 2 ur problems and keep mine 2 myself cuz u dont care. Lastly, u will buy me a gift 4 Valentines Day, Christmas and Mothers Day but i will accept dem 24 – 48 hrs after da actual holiday.

I will n turn do da things ur gurl wont times 10 during those holidays.

Side Chick_______________ _____ Date________________ ____

Cheater_____________ _______ Date________________ ____

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