Monday, April 13, 2015

Malaysia, China to meet over flight MH370

Remains of the crashed Malaysian airline on Thursday
Malaysian, Chinese and Australian ministers are to meet this week to discuss the next steps in the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, an official said Monday.

Malaysian Transport Minister, Liow Lai, said Australian Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss and Chinese Transport Minister Chuantang would to travel to Kuala Lumpur Thursday to continue discussions on the missing flight.
“They would review the search efforts to date and collectively decide on next steps based on advice by the experts from the search strategy working group,” Liow said.
Thursday’s meeting would come just over a year since the Boeing 777 vanished from radar on March 8, 2014 en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.
On board were 227 passengers of which two-thirds were from China with 12 Malaysian crew members.
Malaysia faced criticism in January for declaring all those on board officially dead as relatives of the missing Chinese demonstrated against the possible calling off of search efforts.

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