Thursday, September 03, 2015

SEC Lifts Suspension On Three Operators

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has lifted the suspension placed on three market operators for various infractions.

In a notice obtained from the Commission’s website, the operators whose registrations were reinstated include Standard Alliance Capital & Asset Management Limited and Strand Capital Partners Limited.

According to the notice, SEC on August 10, 2015 reinstated the registration of Standard Alliance Capital & Asset Management Limited as Issuing House and Fund Manager while on August 20, 2015, it lifted the suspension it placed on Strand Capital Partners Limited and its sponsored individuals.

The lifting of the suspension according to the Commission was sequel to satisfactory resolution of all complaints and issues with the Commission by the operators.

It advised the investing public to take note and deal with the operators in line with the approval.

The Director General of the SEC, Mr. Mounir Gwarzo, had said that the commission would do anything to compel operators in the market to obey the rules guiding it. This, according to him, informed the decision to tighten the noose on market infractions and other miscellaneous capital market crimes

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