Friday, September 04, 2015

Floyd Mayweather Offers Ringside Seat To NFL's 1st Female Coach

The NFL's first female coach is getting some major support from an unlikely ally ... Floyd Mayweather ... who reached out to Jen Welter and offered her ringside seats to his next fight because he's a huge fan.

FYI -- Welter made history earlier this year when she was offered a coaching "internship" with the Arizona Cardinals ... working primarily with the linebackers. We spoke with Welter's rep who tells us ... after her story attracted national attention, they got a call from Team Mayweather ... who offered 2 ringside seats to his upcoming fight against Andre Berto.

We're told Mayweather is a fan -- and wanted to show his support. As for Welter, she's flattered and we're told she's definitely planning on attending.

We're told there are talks between the two sides for Welter to possibly have a bigger role in the fight (maybe walk him to the ring?) ... but so far, nothing's set in stone.

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