Friday, September 04, 2015

Donald Trump Declares War On Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Donald Trump just declared war on Kareem Abdul-Jabbar -- claiming he's a clueless bonehead ... and nobody likes him.

Seriously, this really happened.

Trump spelled out his issues with the NBA legend in a handwritten note -- after Kareem had penned an article for the Washington Post in which he called Trump a "bully" who's bad for America.
So, Trump being Trump -- responded in his own Trumpish way ... he wrote a note ON a copy of Kareem's article.

"Dear Kareem,

Now I know why the press always treated you so badly — they couldn’t stand you. The fact is that you don’t have a clue about life and what has to be done to make America great again!

Best wishes,

Donald Trump"

Kareem has already responded -- writing, "Trump’s response to my piece is the best, though inelegant, support for my claims.Here again, he attacks a journalist who disagrees with him, not by disputing the points made but by hurling schoolyard insults such as 'nobody likes you.'"

"Look behind the nasty invective and you find an assault on the Constitution in the effort to silence the press through intimidation."

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