Sunday, July 19, 2015

Group objects to new consent age for sex

Group objects to new consent age for sex

Seraphine Outreach, a non profit organisation, has expressed its dissatisfaction with the new Senate age for consensual sex.
The organisation, which sole aim is to inspire, build and raise vibrant youths and women to achieve selfreliance, is of the opinion that an 11-year old child is not fully developed for sex and childbearing.
The founder and president of the Outreach, Seraphine Nwosu, who spoke to Sunday Telegraph at a Talk Show and book presentation in Lagos, recently, said such law was ill-conceived and would do more harm to the girl-child than good. She wondered why the Bill sailed through the National Assembly at first instance and urged President Muhammadu Buhari to intervene and seek repeal of the law which had the potential of destroying Nigerian youths.
Speaking on the programme titled, ‘Our children, our Heritage’, she said the Outreach is borne out of love and concern for all youth, women, adolescents, single and married as well as the desire to reorientate, encourage, raise and challenge the African youths and women to discover, develop and deploy their inherent potential for family, community and societal development.
She said, “We speak to youths and mentor them at every given opportunity, speaking to pupils and students all over the country, organising programmes that bring the youth and women together in churches, communities and all over the country. We organise weekly and monthly programmes for women and youth for their development and empowerment.
“Again, we have a programme called ‘So Purple’, which is a weekly programme for women, where we come together to learn and fellowship together with one another for growth in the atmosphere of love. ‘So Pink’ is the gathering for young girls, which is a forum for teaching, mentoring and growth for teenagers as well as adolescent girls.”
According to Nwosu, women were overlooked in time past as weak vessels that should be relegated to the kitchen to give men pleasure and bear children.
Thus, much was not excepted from girl child as the society felt that the task ahead of her did not require much, as a result, there was no need to waste time and money sending her to school.
She said that the few girls who went to school then were seen as corrupt and too polished to make good wife material. “Today the rhythm of the music has changed. Many women have proved by rising to enviable positions through education and training that not only are they good wives, but can also excel in other areas of life.
These are the things we stand to achieve and we have written a number of books to enable us to achieve this. They include ‘Making beautiful marriage; Have you taught your daughter? Cooperative parenting; Responsible son; Exceptional daughter and The true beauty of a woman,” she said.

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