Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Obasanjo, Falae and why Buhari is ‘Goodluck’

To many Nigerians, the Fourth Republic came into being with ease. But, seasoned journalist Dare Babarinsa says the democracy that has endured for 16 unbroken years could have been a stillborn if not for the intervention and sacrifice of some stakeholders. He traces the journey and says the concession of defeat by a sitting President to an opposition challenger has saved the country its worst nightmare.
TWENTY-FOUR months ago, it may have appeared far-fetched to think of Nigeria’s immediate future without the role of Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in it. He was the leader of Africa’s most powerful and richest country.  He was the Commander-in-Chief of the continent’s largest armed forces.  He was propelled to power by the largest and most formidable political party in Nigeria’s history which was destined to rule in the first instance for “60 unbroken years.”  He had in his grasp, the powers of the Nigerian Presidency with its near omnipotence and all-pervading reach.  Then he started believing in his own invincibility and inviolability, ensnared by the sirens of sychophants and shackled by his own idiosyncratic preoccupations.  He was going full-steam in his “unsinkable Titanic” and did not see the tip of the iceberg ahead. Now, he is home after almost six years in the sanctum of power, to embrace the creeping sunset. ‘Goodluck’ to him!
Yes, Jonathan did a lot to earn himself the red card from the electorate, though he was a beneficiary of a multi-ethnic rainbow coalition in 2011.  He lost his command, almost lost his party and led it to its first defeat in 16 years of Nigeria’s unbroken democracy.  Future historians may unravel what happened to a man brought to power by uncommon ‘Goodluck’ and with so much roaring support, who finally ended his tour of duty on a note of sorry whisper.

Handover ritual

Whatever they may unravel however, they would not but commend him for his dignified carriage which lends solemn majesty to the ritual of handover to President Muhammadu Buhari, his old opponent and ultimate Nemesis.
Transition has always been a problem for Nigeria, especially from one elite group to another.  Before Gen Olusegun Obasanjo (rtd) handed over power to elected President Shehu Shagari on October 1, 1979, all Nigerian heads of government since independence have died in office with the notable exception of Gen. Yakubu Gowon (rtd), who was toppled in a military coup on July 29, 1975. Before then, Alhaji Abubakar Tafawa-Balewa, the country’s first and only Prime Minister had been killed on duty on January 15, 1966.  His successor, Maj-Gen. Thomas Aguiyi-Ironsi, the first military Head of Government, was also killed on duty on July 29, 1966 and he was succeeded by Gen. Gowon, who ruled for nine eventful years.  Gen. Gowon’s successor, Gen. Murtala Ramat Muhammed, was also killed on duty on February 13, 1976.
After Gen. Obasanjo broke the jinx, two other Nigerian rulers have died in office.  Gen. Sani Abacha’s iron rule was brought to an abrupt end when he died suddenly in June 1998 paving the way for Gen AbdulsalamiAbubakar (now rtd).  The death of President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, after a lingering period of illness, ushered in the era of former President Jonathan. Now, Dr. Jonathan has taught us how to have an almost seamless transition with a sitting President conceding victory to his opponent and then attending to the rigour and drama of the inauguration rituals.

History beckons

Dr. Jonathan was the man who saved Nigeria from fulfilling its worst nightmare, especially, considering the hate-campaign that characterised the presidential campaign and the saber-rattling from his so-called militant supporters. One is happy that President Buhari gave him due recognition during his inauguration address, commending him for his statesmanship and grace.
One man who played a similar role was Chief Olu Falae, the presidential candidate of the defunct All Peoples Party (APP) and the defunct Alliance for Democracy (AD), joint alliance that tackled the behemoth Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in 1979.  Falae’s opponent was the redoubtable Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, a Civil War veteran and the country’s most profound political strategist.  The 1999 presidential election was fraught with irregularities, but in the end, Chief Obasanjo was declared the winner by the electoral commission.
Chief Falae and his supporters were seriously disappointed.  Most members of Idile Odua, the pan-Yoruba group to which I belonged, were supporters of Falae, who was the official candidate of Afenifere, the mainstream Yoruba political and cultural organisation under the leadership of the late Senator Abraham Adesanya.  After Obasanjo was declared the winner, Falae met with his close aides and supporters at the Sheraton Hotel, Abuja.  Our friend and member of Idile, Prince Dayo Adeyeye, (the immediate past Minister of State for Works under Dr. Jonathan) was with them at the Abuja meeting.
While Falae was billed to address a press conference in Abuja, one of our most prominent leaders, Bayo Adenekan, the deputy leader of Idile and then the managing director of Capital Oil Plc., called me on the phone (there were landed phones in those ancient, pre-Obasanjo days!), saying there was fire on the mountain! I was already dressed up to go to work and the Adenekan’s phone call changed my itinerary for the day. He said Otunba Solanke Onasanya (now late), one of the most prominent Afenifere leaders, had called him, asking for our intervention in preventing a crisis that may be ignited by the pending press conference of Chief Falae.  Sure enough, the late Otunba Onasanya called me and in an agitated voice, requested me to talk to Chief Falae immediately.  “He must not go ahead with that press conference unless he is willing to amend the content of his statement,” Baba Onasanya said flatly.
Onasanya said he was privy to the draft statement to be read by Falae where he would call for the cancellation of the result of the presidential election.  He said those like Falae (he was also detained by the Abacha dictatorship), who had been at the vanguard for the restoration of democracy should not be calling for the cancellation of the presidential result.  “The worst civilian regime is better than the best military government,” Onasanya said. “Cancellation means annulment.  We know what our people suffered, following the annulment of the June 12, 1993 presidential election, widely believed to have been  won by the late Chief Moshood Abiola.”
I promised Baba Onasanya that I will carry out the assignment. Chief Falae was our candidate and he emerged according to our prescription.  Our colleagues wanted the presidential candidate of the AD to be nominated by the caucus of the leadership of Afenifere and not by open primary.  We had wanted the same for the governors, but the late Senator Adesanya said he had to agree to hold open primaries because of pressures on him from some of the young Turks within the movement.  This almost led to the emergence of those we called “Abacha politicians” (those who served in the military government or participated in the politics of Abacha’s five political parties) as governorship candidates of the AD, especially in Lagos and Ondo State.  Rearguard action restored our favoured candidates, but the damage was extensive.  In Lagos, Senator Bola Tinubu emerged and in Ondo State, Chief Adebayo Adefarati emerged, shutting the door to the formidable Mrs. Mobolaji Osomo, one of the late Chief Adekunle Ajasin’s most trusted lieutenants. Hence, the close caucus primary that led to the emergence of Falae, a phenomenon that, ironically also, divided the movement for supporters of the late Chief Bola Ige, the first elected governor of the old Oyo State, who lost the contest, believed he was robbed.
Therefore, Chief Falae went to war with a divided army, but we were not prepared for defeat.  Our candidate was a first-class bureaucrat, who had ran a presidential campaign before and had a nationwide structure and acceptance.  But he had lost to the ‘old soldier’ muscle of Chief Obasanjo, whose campaign war-chest was incomparable.

Between Falae and Obasanjo

When the result was announced, we believed Obasanjo had won unfairly.  What with the critical report of the international observer teams and the secret reports of the security agencies? How can Obasanjo and the PDP defeat the combine forces of the AD/APP, which produced the vice-presidential candidate of the alliance, Alhaji Umarru Shinkafi, a former Director-General of the Nigerian Security Organisation (NSO), now State Security Service (SSS), who were entrenched in the politics of the old north? We wanted war.  Then the call from Baba Onasanya, he said if Chief Falae calls for annulment, then he would be playing into the hands of a clique within the ruling military junta which was not happy with the transition programme.  He said if Falae rejects the result outright, then that clique may have an upper hand over the group that supports Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar, who wanted the transition to go on.
I called Adeyeye at the Sheraton and briefed him on the Onasanya assignment.  “We are calling for cancellation because we have been robbed,” said Adeyeye.  “There is nothing wrong with starting again.”
Yes, we may start again, but we don’t know how long the journey would take and the cost in lives and property.  The journey that started after the annulment of the late Abiola’s victory in 1993 had been long and costly.  We cast our lot with Falae because he shares our belief that Nigeria needs constitutional reforms.  We want a federation that would allow the Yoruba people of Western Nigeria living in Lagos, Oyo, Osun, Ogun, Ekiti and Ondo State to have one regional government instead of the present six-state government.  We believe that “there is only one Yoruba Nation, it has a common interest and one inescapable destiny.” We are convinced that such a regional government would have the capacity to promote the political, cultural and economic interests of our people and this would impact positively on the fortunes of Nigeria.  It would have the capacity to embark on life-changing programmes like the construction of modern rail lines, airports, power projects and create a template for relating to other Yoruba people in Nigeria, especially in Kogi, Kwara, Edo and Delta and also outside Nigeria in Benin, Togo and the American and Caribbean Diaspora.  We believe this could be achieved politically if we have a president who shared our passion for constitutional reforms.  Falae was ours, but the electorate preferred the old soldier, Chief Obasanjo.  Despite the loss, we were not sure we want to go back to the starting block.
Adeyeye said the press conference would hold in the next 20 minutes.  I told him about our fears of another protracted political crisis.  Soon, he was able to get Chief Falae to the phone. It was a long conversation lasting more than 15 minutes.  In the end, Falae addressed the press conference, about two hours behind schedule.  He did not call for the cancellation of the result.  Instead, as we counselled, he rejected the result and promised that he would challenge it at the tribunal.  He did.
The following Monday when the ruling junta met at the Aso Rock Villa, the clique within the junta called for the cancellation of the result, based on the reports of the security agencies and some of the international observers, but Gen. Abdulsalami was able to wave them aside.
“You cannot weep more than the bereaved,” he was quoted as saying. “Chief Olu Falae, the man directly involved, has said he would challenge the result at the tribunal.  Let the tribunal do its duty.”
But that was not to be the end of the matter.  Few weeks later, the tribunal was siting in Abuja.  One of the witnesses from the government side said he was not aware that Chief Obasanjo had been pardoned by the military government.  He said there was no instrument of pardon which could only have been signed by the Head of the Junta, Gen Abubakar. This was a critical development.  A friend of ours close to the tribunal said without the instrument, then Obasanjo would be declared ineligible to contest and therefore, the tribunal would have no choice than to cancel the result of the presidential election. He said it was not certain that it would declare Chief Falae elected by default.

Protecting democratic

There were only two options.  We should get the instrument of pardon and present same to the tribunal.  Or, we could get Chief Falae to withdraw his petition and save the entire process. It was late afternoon when we got this information.  We decided to act on it immediately.Two of my colleagues Bayo Adenekan and Prince Adedokun Abolarin, now our royal father, the Orangun of Oke-Ila, Osun State, were dispatched to see the late Senator Adesanya in Ijebu-Igbo, and discuss the options with him. The late Senator Adesanya immediately invited them to a meeting of the caucus at the palace of Oba Sikiru Adetona, the Awujale of Ijebuland.
The meeting became an all-night one.  Present along with Adesanya were many of the leaders of Afenifere including Baba Onasanya, Sir Olaniwun Ajayi and Chief Ayo Adebanjo.  Kabiyesi Awujale and some of his chiefs were also present.  Senator Adesanya said the best thing to do was to inform Obasanjo and Falae immediately about the new development.  A few phone calls confirmed that Obasanjo was somewhere abroad in South America.  Chief Falae was in London as a guest of the international businessman, Chief Harry Akande.
In the end, it was decided that the best option was to prevail on Chief Falae to withdraw his petition and save the embrayonic democracy.  A call was put through to Chief Falae and his host.  Chief Falae said he was in the dark about this development and that only his lawyer could brief him properly.  His lawyer was in Nigeria and Falae believed he was competent to handle any development.  The lawyer was called in the middle of the night. He listened patiently to Baba Adesanya and then said he can only take instructions from his client, Chief Falae.  Another call was put through to Falae who said he cannot give instructions on the phone without a proper discussion with his lawyer. Senator Adesanya requested that Chief Falae should return immediately.  Chief Akande then promised to bring Falae home in his private jet.
In the end, events took an unexpected turn.  The top official who claimed he could not find the instrument of pardon later changed his testimony and tendered the instrument to the tribunal during a subsequent sitting.  What was clear was that Chief Falae, despite his being the aggrieved party, was ready to make all necessary sacrifice to save the system and protect the institutions of democracy.  Those institutions have survived in various forms since that eventful night at the Awujale Palace.  Since then, Adesanya, Onasanya, Bola Ige, Chief Anthony Enahoro, Chief Solomon Lar and many of the great veterans of the anti-Abacha struggle that gave our great country the current democratic dispensation, have since passed to the great beyond.  Their sacrifices made our freedom possible.

Conceding defeat
as antidote to   nightmare

Like Falae did in 1999, we have seen again how the statesmanship of Goodluck Jonathan mayhave prevented the fulfillment of our worst nightmare.  Africa’s greatest nation has passed an historic test.  It is now the good fortune of President Buhari to ensure competent men and women to man national institutions to ensure the growth and prosperity of our great country.  We are on the threshold when new demands would be made, for there are outstanding issues, especially constitutional issues that have not been addressed since 1999, and only competent persons could handle them.
Nigeria is lucky to have Buhari as President.  His passion and patriotism are necessary ingredients to take necessary action to make Nigeria continue on an irreversible journey to stability and progress.  He was military ruler when Nigeria had only 19 states and 20 governments.  Now we have 36 states and 37 governments including that of the FCT and the Federal Government.  There is a need to visit the demand for constitutional reforms so that those zones that want their own regions can have them.  If unity is good for Nigeria, it cannot be bad for the regions.
We are lucky too that Jonathan is back in Otuoke in good health if not in high spirit.  God is good to Nigeria and our leaders are no longer going home in body bags. Jonathan has now joined the most exclusive Boys Club in Nigeria, the club of retired Heads of Government. He, President Shagari and Chief Ernest Shonekan are the only civilians there.  The others: Gowon, Obasanjo, Babangida and Abubakar are old soldiers. A job is also waiting for him as the next chairman of the PDP’s Board of Trustees (BoT). I hope now he will find time to reply most of his letters and write new ones.  I am sure if the new tenant of Aso Rock does not reply his letters, he will not be surprised, and find the good humour to take it in his stride.
Babarinsa, journalist, media entrepreneur and author, is the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Gaskia Media Limited.

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