Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Enjoy fruity Chardonnay

Wines are made from different grapes, from the reds to the whites.

The origin of Chardonnay was disputed for many years, with some speculation of it growing from the Middle East. However, researchers at the University of California, Davies, United States said the grape fruit is from eastern France.

This fruit wine is weighty, thick and regarded as one of the world’s most distinctive white wines, which can lighten up any occasion with family and friends.

Also, further research by another, found Chardonnay to have the highest antioxidants known as polyphenols and contains potassium that helps lower blood pressure and prevents the creation of molecules, which can damage lung tissues.

Scientists at the University of Milan also proved that white wine contains tyrosol and caffeic acid, which act as anti-inflammatory and antioxidants to help prevent rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis when indulged in moderation.

This grape wine is known for its brisk citrus character, floral lift and incisive mineral. It lightens up the palate for a smooth finish with crisper fruit aromas, more solid character and less resilience on new barrels for flavour, with restrained oak spice to flush the palate.

It is a perfect serve for low sugar drinkers and compliments dishes from the continental to the local cuisines.

It is best enjoyed served chilled. In addition, looking to lower the pain of migraine? White wine is a preferred option since it is low in the headache inducing compound, tyramine, unlike many red wines.

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