Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Video of Obama surprise phonecalls to three random mothers on mother’s day

Three mothers got a totally unexpected Mother’s Day gift this year: a surprise phone call from President Obama.

Watch video below…

“I decided on Mother’s Day I should call up some letter writers and moms, and say thank you for being great moms,” Obama explains to a stunned mother in a video shared Sunday by the White House. “You’re one of the moms I want to say thank you to. You still don’t believe me.”

“Not uh … no way,” Stephanie Tarr reportedly responded in disbelief when the person on the other end of the phone introduced himself. “It’s me! Give me a test,” Obama replied. “Ask me about anything”. Then he told all mums “I decided since it was Mother’s Day, I should call letter-writers and moms and say ‘thank you’ for being great moms”

The lucky three, who hail from Minnesota, Arizona and Florida, had each written letters to Obama over the past year thanking him for supporting a higher minimum wage and for signing the Affordable Care Act in March 2010.

“I know how tough it is to raise kids and do right by them. If it hadn’t been for my mother, I certainly wouldn’t be here,” said Obama, whose own mother, Ann Dunham, died of cancer in 1995. “You’re doing the most important work there is.”

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