Saturday, May 30, 2015

ORJI KALU Subsidy removal, fighting corruption should be President’s priorities

The former Abia State Governor, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu, has said his call for complete removal of subsidy on petroleum products by President Muhammadu Buhari, remains the best solution to the perennial crisis in the nation’s oil industry. This is even as he said the new leader has the best opportunity to achieve this at the moment, particularly as he now rides on great popularity and support from Nigerians.

Kalu, who said this yesterday while speaking on the Cable Network News (CNN), also suggested cultural re-orientation and evaluation as the best approach to solve the challenge of corruption, which was facing the country. Setting agenda for the new President, Kalu said: “Well, as a businessman and as the Chairman of Slok, a major shipping firm in sub-Saharan Africa, what I will like to see from the new President, because he commands a lot of goodwill, a lot of ideas, is that he should be able to remove the subsidy.

Today, our labour unions are not very strong and Buhari is riding on the highest level of popularity and he is well accepted by the people. So he has a chance to remove subsidy and should act quickly on this and remove it totally, so that people can be able to do business in oil sector in Nigeria and be able to build refinery.” He added that corruption had eaten too deep into the nation’s system and so required serious attention. While urging the President not to delay his action on corruption, the former governor said: “Let me be honest with you, corruption is a big challenge in Nigeria because it has gone into the fabrics of every facet of Nigeria.

So I think to fight corruption it is something that must start from day one. There is need for reorientation of our people and revaluation of our people and cultural reorientation of our people. So, frankly corruption must be fought head on, if truly he wants to succeed. There is a lot of corruption in both private and public sector because not only the people in government are corrupt.”

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