Tuesday, July 14, 2015

As they emerge, dis-emerge and re-emerge

•Ribadu, who may emerge PDP chair
Not many foreigners who read Nigerian newspapers regularly or visitors to these shores can have failed to conclude that the natives, especially those of them in the political class, must rank among the most self-disregarding persons on the planet.
They do not get appointed or named or promoted or deployed to a position.  They simply “emerge” on the scene, literally from nowhere.  Some of them will dis-emerge only to re-emerge again.
From “emerge,” it is but two keystrokes to “re-emerge, three keystrokes to “emergence,” and two more keystrokes to “re-emergence.”  Day after day, the front pages and the headlines dutifully report on the latest officials to have “emerged,” and what their “emergence” or “dis-emergence” portends for the polity.
Saraki  and Ekweremadu emerge as Senate leaders.
Maurice Iwu may re-emerge as INEC chair.
NuhuRibadu may emerge PDP chair.
Group hails emergence of Dogara as Speaker.
Oliseh set to emerge as national football coach
500 emerge with First Class at Roadside University
It is almost as those who have emerged or are emerging or are set to emerge have been hiding, and not in a particularly congenial or healthy place, and certainly not out of modesty.
I take that back insofar as it concerns Senate President Bukola Saraki.
We now know that, just before his emergence, he was hiding in his car for four hours, following a tip-off that his adversaries had sent a gang of ruthless kidnappers to abduct him in a diabolical bid to sabotage his election bid.
The strategy for his emergence, perfected at a meeting with a rump of his fellow APC rebels and PDP senators still reeling from the electoral sandbagging their party had suffered in the recent general election, was about to unravel.
If he was not on the floor – like the 51 senators who were in another venue waiting for a meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari — he would not be nominated for the post.  And if he was not nominated, he stood little chance of being elected even in this land “anything goes” and nothing is impossible.
I don’t know the kind of car Saraki rides, but it will have to be commodious enough to conceal his imposing frame and luxurious enough to provide the opulence to which he feels so entitled.  He could therefore not have been hiding in an unseemly place, unlike all many of the others  whose emergence dominates the front pages and the headlines.
In whatever case, he emerged from his hideout with nary a tell-tale signs of his ordeal and moments later emerged Senate president with the minimum of fuss or ceremony, and with only one-half of the membership present and voting.
Lesson:  To emerge, you have to prepare for your emergence and indeed for all emergencies.  Where there are no emergencies, contrive them.
But I digress.
As I was saying, the foreigner or visitor reading stories in the Nigerian news media about who has emerged or is emerging or is set to emerge must be wondering:  What are they hiding from, and why?  Where are they emerging from?  Why does it take apolitical appointment to make them “emerge,” to bring them out of hiding?
I cannot state with confidence the point at which that term entered into the vocabulary of political discourse in Nigeria.  But my interest in its use, misuse and abuse dates back to the time of the loathsome dictator, Sani Abacha, and his desperation to bury the June 12, 1993 presidential election that his duplicitous military predecessor, General Ibrahim Babangida, had annulled.
One of the schemes Abacha devised to that end was a Constitutional Conference packed with handpicked candidates, the usual retainers, and delegates chosen by less than 25 per cent of registered votes where the poll was not boycotted entirely.
Concerned that the Confab – as it was called – was slow in starting, one newspaper beholden to the regime wondered why this should be the case, given that so many “credible delegates” had “emerged.”  Many of the “credible delegates” would later work assiduously to ensure Sani Abacha’s emergence as the presidential candidate of the five political parties he had licensed.
That newspaper, to no one’s grief, has since gone into insolvency.  In a country where some sections of the news media are notorious for not meeting their payroll, it holds the dubious record   for indebtedness to staffers — 19 months in unpaid salaries.
Another newspaper that basks in false affluence under a mountain of debt started paying salary arrears going back nine months only when industry unions shut it down.
And a broadcast station that threw decency and professionalism and ethics overbroad to vilify opponents of the defenestrated and unlamented Goodluck Jonathan, it turns out, has not paid its staffers for 17 months.
Where did all the billions it received for the odious assignment go?
Though not wholly peculiar to Nigeria, this journalistic model seems to have come to stay here. You’ve been given a weekly column or some news hole or air time to fill as you please, no questions asked. What do you need a salary for?
Call it the Mobutu Principle.
In Zaire, as the Democratic Republic of Congo was then known, word reached President Mobutu Sese Seko that enlisted soldiers who could not recall when they last received their salaries had mutinied.
He summoned the mutineers from one military to his palace.  “ I hear you are complaining that you have not been paid,” he said.
The mutineers murmured in confirmation.
Pointing at one of them, Mobutu asked,”What is that you are holding?
“A rifle, Sir,” the subaltern replied.
Mobutu pointed at another solider and put the same question to him.
The same response:  A rifle.
“I have given you each an assault rifle and you are complaining about unpaid salaries,” Mobutu intoned with stunned incredulity.  “What salary can be more assured than the rifle in your hand?
The message was clear: Use what you have to get whatever you need.
I will not be surprised if media people who have not been paid for months on end finally yielded to the temptation into which their employers had led them and used their columns and news holes and air time to fend for themselves, as indeed some of those selfsame employers had indeed urged them to do, I gather.
Again, I digress, for the last time.
If anything can be said with certainty about Nigerian politics, it is that the tide of emergence is not about to subside.
It is now being bruited that, as an additional measure to guarantee the independence of the legislature, the Saraki group has embarked on strategy that will make Tony “The Fixer” Anenih emerge as vice chairman of the APC’s Board of Trustees, and the emergence of Ayo Fayose, the all-conquering governor of Ekiti, as associate chair of the APC Governors Forum.

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