Wednesday, April 15, 2015

President Elect, Buhari Explains Military Strategy for Defeating Boko Haram

The people’s general has revealed strategies needed to completely wipe out Boko Haram

In an article published by the New York Times in its Tuesday edition, Buhari promised to handle the insurgency till it is totally wiped out among other things.In the article, the President-elect said, in the fight to end the Boko Haram insurgency, “We must start by deploying more troops to the front and away from civilian areas in central and southern Nigeria where for too long they have been used by successive governments to quell dissent.

“We must work closer with our neighbours in coordinating our military efforts so an offensive by one army does not see their country’s rid of Boko Haram only to push it across the border onto their neighbour’s territory.”

A member of the Buhari team, who pleaded for anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media said, “Without being told, you should know that what he is simply saying is that under his administration, the military will revert to their constitutional role of defending the nation against external aggression QED.”

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