Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sudden burst of sunlight

Sudden burst of sunlight
It’s nine days since the accident. Kim is back home. But for a short thread-like mark on her forehead, no one would know she had a brush with death. Sam has been doing everything to ensure her happiness.
Kim’s still so confused. She isn’t sure she wants to continue with the relationship, which, going by Sam’s calculation, is already altar bound. If it doesn’t work out, what will she do with the pregnancy which is sneaking into its 19th week and peeking out gradually?
Somehow, she wants to believe that it’s the attempt to get rid of it that caused that avoidable accident. It must be the gods of Sam’s ancestors at work. What was the driver thinking! Just a little patience and the two vehicles would have gone their separate ways and she would have been in the hospital the next day and everything about this pregnancy would have been forgotten! But then, she wouldn’t have met that handsome
Dr. Sam! Yeah. She wished she met him five months ago…yeah, before this pregnancy made the marriage to Sam the almost only sensible thing to do now.
Oh no! Hope she’s not thinking like her late mum. She recalls her grandma’s favourite words anytime she was cross with her. “I’d swear you’re my daughter and not my granddaughter. You took all the bad sides of your mother. I pray you don’t end up like her…pregnancy without an owner,” she would say and spit. Hmmmmmmmmmm!
How were they sure her mother didn’t know who got her pregnant? Is it possible? Was she raped by many men? She shudders. She has so many questions to ask her mum.
She would have given an arm to know her father. Is he alive or dead? Rich or poor? Handsome or ugly? Is he a Nigerian or a foreigner? So many questions, but no answers…not exactly.
The answers were buried with her mum, many, many years ago. But come to think of it, her mum must have been very headstrong. Why name her after her mum? Any particular reason? The only thing grandma told her was that her mum refused to have her named, so they called her ‘Kim’s baby’. When her mum died three months after her birth, they just called her Kim, and Kim she became.
Well, today, Kim junior is pregnant. She knows the man that is responsible and the man wants her ‘like yesterday’! It’s just that she’s being stupid about the whole thing… yes stupid and maybe undecided. Sam wants her. His mother may be an ogre, but does it matter?
Give it to the old woman, though, she’s been trying to be nice these few days, calling and wanting to know how she’s feeling, praying for her and…is she really bad? Are all mothers not like that? Wanting the best for their children?
Which mother wouldn’t want the best wife/husband for their children? And Sam is cool! Aside his mother’s overbearing attitude, his thumb-like pee is another issue.
But with her pregnancy, it has proved that a HB pencil-sized pee can produce results that a ‘rod of Moses’ sized pee may not produce. Hahahahahaha. Moreover, Sam’s the only man that has proved that he can stick her crazy ways.
Other men lose interest after sometimes, even when they found her interesting at first. If she loses this Sam, it may be difficult to get another like him, a man that can love her, warts et al. Suddenly, she realises that a man who has a challenge, like Sam, will prove a faithful husband. Sam barges into her thoughts “Honey, Dr. Sam called earlier.
You were having a nap. He wanted to know how you’re doing. He said he’ll look in later in the week,” Sam said. Kim sits up immediately as sunlight flashed into her soul.
The mention of Dr. Sam’s name does that to her. That name has a woozy effect on her. As if it’s a part of her that’s missing. “Dr. Sam’s coming here? Oh, great. When? So nice of him to want to see me…I mean, us,” she stammered. Sam observes her silently.
She’s been so moody of late, not showing interest in anything. He is surprised at the sudden burst of sunlight. “Did you know him before now?” Sam asked. “Who?” Kim replied, keeping a straight face. Of course, she knows exactly who he’s talking about. Even she herself is surprised at the way the strange man is affecting her senses.
“You jolly well know who I’m talking about! Look Kim, since you came back from the hospital, you’ve not allowed me to get intimate with you. I understand that you need rest and all that, but for how long? You weren’t like this before. It’s as if I’m forcing you to marry me. I’m getting tired. Is this how we’re are going to live together? Every time, I bend over backward to ensure your happiness but you don’t care how I feel.
Mama is trying to get close to you and you’re pushing the old woman away with your behaviour. I’ve been pleading with you to return her calls. She calls you everyday and you have never bothered to dial her number, not even once! Look, as much as I love you and want to get married to you, I wouldn’t want to live in hell with a woman that doesn’t love and care for me…”
Sam said quietly to a stunned Kim. Yes, stunned because she has never seen him like this. Sam has always been the docile sort, avoiding problems as much as he can. For him to get this worked up, he must be ready for the worse. “So, what happens to this pregnancy?” Kim asked, testing the water.
“One thing. You have the baby for me. I’ll take full responsibility till you give birth and are ready to hand the baby over to me.
Abortion is not an option…that’s if you cherish your life. I won’t lift a finger, the gods of my ancestors have a way of dealing with such issues,” he said. An alarm rings somewhere in Kim’s brain. She’s on the verge of losing this man! This is about the only man that has taken her tantrums without getting overworked up.
Hmmmmmmmm she needs to do something fast. “And where are you going,” she asked. Sam has gone inside his room and is out in a Jeans and T-shirt. He picks the car key and is moving towards the door.
“Going out. You lock the door and drop your keys with the security, if you feel like. I can always change the lock, anyway, if you feel like going away with the keys,” he said. This is the first time she’s seeing him in such a mood. She rushes to the door and stands there, arms akimbo. Men are babies. The strongest men are just babies with the right women.
She has heard many women say that a number of times. She’s about to find out how true that is. “What do you think you’re doing?” Sam asked. “You ain’t stepping out of this house,” she said. “Look, Kim, you don’t want me. You’re probably looking for a richer man. It’s okay. I’m not going to kill myself, I’m gonna find me a heifer that will be mine, and mine alone,” he said, almost sadly.
“You will be disappointed, Sam. Many women you see out there are overused. You go searching for a virgin and you get a recycled one. Take out abortion and condom, if every sexual activity results in pregnancy, you will be surprised at the number of children some saints would have borne,” she said.
He pulls back and stares at her. Kim gently unbuttons her silk blouse, throws it on the floor and slides off her skirt. Sam swallows hard and his Adam apple bobs as he takes in her creamy flesh… the white lacy brassiere and red G-string… His loins stir. Sam stands, rooted to the spot.
Kim steps out of her thong, takes two steps to him and rubs her racks against his chest. She knows very well that a provoked pee has no conscience…and Sam’s, as minute as it is, is very, very senseless when faced with such tantalisers.
She unfastens his Jeans belt and buttons in seconds and he steps out of them without a word. She pulls up his T-shirt and he raises his arms and it’s off his head. His eyes are rooted to her racks that have increased in size since the last time. They’re pushing against her brassiere and the flesh peeping out of the lace holes are driving him insane. She has reduced him to a blabbing baby in minutes.
She feels his body shiver and smiles. Sam is horny and in this state, he can be mawkishly sentimental. His hands go behind her and unhook the strap, releasing two huge melons. Eyes glazed, he fastens his mouth on, first, one, then the other nipple. He smothered her with slobbering kisses and in minutes, they’re on the rug. She goes for Sam’s tiny nipples with her tongue – his weak point – and he grunts.
Few minutes later, he’s screaming. Meanwhile, his fingers, working her cave of wonder, make her throw her legs wildly apart like one frantically trying to position a television antenna for better network…
The buildup to that volcanic eruption is interesting. Kim can’t say at what point Sam’s tiny pee takes over from his fingers. Suddenly, she starts squirting and screams. Sam joins and they scream and scream until the waves wash over them and they lay… spent.
Did this volcanic tango heal any pain? Did suave, handsome Dr. Sam show up?
Did he sweep Kim off her feet? Let’s find out on Sunday.
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