Sunday, July 26, 2015

‘She jilted me when I was jobless’

‘She jilted me when I was jobless’

Dear Love Doctor, My name is Bob. I’m from Plateau State. I was involved in a long term relationship with a girl. And during this time, I was jobless. Then one of her relatives living in the East came and showered her with money. Then she abandoned me. Later, I got a job and she now claims that I am the one she really loves. What do I do? From Bob.

Love Doctor’s Advice:
Dear Bob, Your girl acted badly by abandoning you when you needed her most. However, I don’t understand what you mean by “one of her relatives”. Are you accusing her of incest? I guess what you mean is that she followed a man who hails from her hometown, that is, her kith. If she now claims you’re the one she really loves, it might mean that circumstances drove her into another man’s arms. Maybe because you were jobless and she desperately needed money, so she abandoned you.
But that is no excuse because if she truly loved you, she wouldn’t have abandoned you. Besides, if she desperately needs money, she should get a job. That is because she cannot depend on a man for-ever. Again, maybe because she has now grown wiser and more mature, she has finally realized that you’re the best man for her since you gave her true love during the time you were dating. However, you must ask yourself one critical question before you decide to take her back or not to take her back.
The question is: Does she love you for who you are or for the money you have? Now that you have a job, don’t be naïve because a greedy/materialistic girl will always claim to love a rich man. Is she coming back to you now because you have made money or because she truly loves you (or both)? You need a girl who loves you for who you are, not for what you have. Do not rush back into her arms. Take your time. Find out her real motive before taking your decision to have or not to have her back.

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