Monday, July 20, 2015

I’m destined for a Sam

I’m destined for a Sam
Sam examines Kim’s phone, turning it back and forth as if it will tell him everything he seeks to know. His heart aches.
What if the accident is very bad? What if…what if… what… He remembers his mother and the fact that she would have turned to ‘her Father in heaven’ if she found herself in this situation. He murmurs some prayers and turns to the young man who has been observing him all this while and said, “Thanks er…er… bros. What happened?
How did the accident happen? Where?” “I didn’t witness it,” the young man replied, standing aside as the man in suit moves forward.
Sam turns questioning eyes to the man in suit. He wonders who he is and what he has to say. He looks so respectable…and rich. “Good evening. I’m Dr. Sam. The cab your wife was travelling in rammed into my car at an intersection. The cabbie also sustained injury. I’m very sorry.
The doctors are doing their best. They’ll be fine,” the man in suit, Dr. Sam said. “I hope this evening will turn out good.
By the way, I’m also Sam, by name,” Sam said to the two men.
“I’m Godfrey,” the young man said. “My pleasure,” they murmured almost in unison. A nurse walks towards them from the emergency ward. Dr. Sam asks her coolly, “Can we see them?” The nurse nods and said gravely, “Follow me.” Kim is lying motionless on a bed. Her head covered with bandage. The doctor is standing by her bed.
“Good evening. I’m Dr. Jide. I’m in charge of the patient,” the doctor said. Sam murmurs something. He is not really there. His mind is elsewhere. He remembers what his mother said. She said they will get married and that Kim will have the baby. As he observes Kim’s immobile body on the bed, he wonders if all that will come true. She’s praying for them, he’s sure.
God will answer her prayers concerning them…but he’s still afraid. He could hear voices. Dr. Sam and the doctor are discussing after the introductions. He can barely understand what they are saying because he isn’t paying attention. He feels a lump in his throat and clears it discreetly. “Is she okay,” He asked the doctor, his heart thudding.
“We need to observe her for some hours,” the doctor said, adding, “Let’s talk in my office.” He leads them out of the ward. As they step out of the ward, Dr. Sam said, “I will like to see the other accident victim too.”
“Oh sure, Sam said, not because he really wants to, but because he’s scared and wants to postpone whatever bad news the doctor may have for him. Godfrey and Dr. Sam look at him. They had thought he wanted to object. Without a word, the doctor takes them another ward. Sam walks like one in a trance. Has the accident affected her pregnancy? He fears to ask.
The cabbie is awake. His two hands are bandaged. He seems okay though. “Good evening doctor, he said, looking at his visitors. His eyes light up as he sees Godfrey and Dr. Sam. “How are you doing? Much pain? “ Dr. Sam asked. “I’m fine sir. I’m very fine, except that my hands don’t feel like they belong to me,” he said. “No problem, you’ll be alright.
This is Sam, the husband of your passenger,” Dr. Sam said, looking at Sam. A shadow flickers across the cabbie’s face. “I’m sorry sir. It was my fault. I lost concentration momentarily. I pray that madam will be well, soonest,” he said. “Amen,” they all murmur. Sam feels something tug at his heart.
The cabbie must be an honest man. It’s rare to see a man accept responsibility without being prompted in a situation like this. He pats him on the back. “We pray she gets well soon,” he told the cabbie.
“She is stable. She has a head injury, caused by something sharp on the dashboard. But not something too serious,” Dr. Jide said. They are in his office. “She’s pregnant,” Sam said. He’s so afraid that he slurs. “Yes, nothing wrong with the pregnancy. We’re also being careful.
We only administer drugs that won’t tamper with it. She needs a lot of rest. At 16 weeks, she needs to take things easy,” Dr. Jide said. It’s seems as if a nice smelling perfume has been sprayed inside the doctor’s office. Everyone is suddenly in a light mood. Guess the news that the pregnancy is safe eases some ache.
“Thank you doctor. Thank you,” Sam said, meaning it. Four hours later, Kim is sitting up in bed. She can talk very well because she’s feeling almost okay but she pretends she’s not too well. She doesn’t want to talk too much yet.
She’s still so scared of what happened earlier in the day. Are the gods of Sam’s people after her? Was that accident a warning to her not to tamper with the pregnancy? If that’s the case, then some other things Sam said about his tradition will be true. Gosh! What did she get herself into? And that doctor that the cabbie ran his cab into! Is he handsome! She wishes that they met under a more conducive atmosphere.
He’s so cool and calm…a doctor and also named Sam! It seems she has something for people called Sam -Samuel, Samson, she’s been through four already and now a Dr. Sam!
She had pretended to be feeling very weak when he ran a finger along the bandage on her head. It was so cool. She sure felt weak at the knees, only that she was lying almost immobile on the bed. She had looked into his eyes and she’s sure she saw warmth in there.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Sam holds on to her right hand, massaging it unconsciously. Then she remembers her phone… and her bag and the fact that she has the receipt of the bill she paid for terminating the pregnancy in her bag and panics.
“Did you get my phone? How did you know I’m here? My bag…did you get it,” she asked him. “I have your phone with me here. I don’t know if the young man that helped to bring you here picked your bag from the cab. The cabbie is also here. I’ll find out from them, if you don’t mind,” Sam said, wondering how she got the strength to talk now. “Yeah, please do. Ask them. How is the cabbie? Hope he’s not too bad?” She asked. “No darling. I’ll go find out about your bag,” Sam said, standing up.
“Er…er…can I have my phone…er… please,” she said.
“The battery is dead. I need to look for a charger…” Sam said. “Don’t worry, let me have it,” she said, stretching out her hand. Sam drops the phone into her hand and goes to search for Godfrey.
I hope I’m not missing something here. Or do you think I am? Let’s meet here on Sunday.

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