Monday, July 20, 2015

Ancestral wrath?

Ancestral wrath?

Sam dials Kim’s phone number and it’s either switched off or out of network area.
He jumps out of the bed, dashes outside and combs the whole compound and neighborhood. Kim is nowhere to be found. He dials her phone number countless times and on each occasion, he gets the same response.
He walks, dejected, back to his compound. His mind in a turmoil, he goes to his mother’s room.
Mama is awake and praying. He waits impatiently until she finishes. As she sees him, she raises quizzical eyes. She is obviously surprised to see him in her room this early in the morning.
Then, she notices that her son is agitated. “My son, what is the problem? Hope you slept well?
How is your wife, my daughter?” she asked. “Good morning mama. There’s a big problem. I woke up this morning and couldn’t find Kim, she’s gone, even her bag too,” Sam replied, his voice cracking. “Gone? What do you mean by that? Go check her in the restroom. She could be easing herself. I’m going to see your uncles.
I want us to discuss your marriage plans,” mama said. “Mama, I said that Kim has left.
She took her bags and clothes with her. Her phone is switched off. I can’t reach her,” he said. Mama stares at him. He could see that she’s trying to assimilate his words. “You mean she ran away?” Mama asked. “Yes mama, she ran away.
She ran away because you were antagonistic to her. She ran away because you didn’t accept her. She ran away with my baby, after threatening that she would abort the pregnancy,” Sam said sorrowfully. His mother stares at him, her face inscrutable. “She threatened to do what? Abort my grandchild?
May God banish that thought from her mind. She will do no such thing.
My God will not allow her. Where’s she?” Mama said, looking Sam in the eyes. He sighs and said, “Mama, if I know where my pregnant wife is, I won’t report her missing to you. I tried to keep awake all night. I know that Kim can take some stubborn decisions.
I noticed she didn’t want to talk about that issue last night, I tried keeping awake so I could talk to her immediately she woke up. But my body obviously needed rest and so, sleep sneaked in and carried me away. Now she’s gone with no trace of her whereabouts.”
Mama picks her scarf and Bible from the bed.
“I’m going to church to tell my father in heaven about it. She must come back. Your wife will not abort that pregnancy,” mama said. Without a word, Sam walks out of the room. He picks his car key and drives out, in search of Kim.
Kim rues over her action. Should she have left like she did? Sam has been so good to her. She wouldn’t mind spending her life with him but his mother is almost an ogre. She definitely will be breathing down their necks. She doubts if it’s possible for her to avoid mama as Sam is so close to his mother.
A small voice whispers to her that she’s treading the wrong path on this issue but she shoos it away with the shake of her head.
She prays that more passengers will come and fill up the bus quickly so they can leave. Six hours later, she is in her house in Lagos. She switches on her phone and messages tumble in in quick succession.
Sam is worried. Of course, she expects him to. She dials her doctor and tells him what she wants done. The doctor tells her that he won’t be a party to that, after explaining the risks involved.
“Kim, as your doctor and friend, I’ll advise you to nurse that pregnancy to term and have your baby,” the doctor told her firmly. She calls a friend who recommends another doctor to her. She’s been rejecting Sam’s calls since she switched on her phone. He calls again and she decides to pick it. “Hello. Why are you harassing me with calls?
Are you tired of marrying your mother? Go back to her. As for me, I’m through with you. I’m on my way to the hospital to abort the pregnancy.
Let your mother pick a village girl as a wife for you. As for me, I’m out of your life,” she said. “Kim, it’s me you’re getting married to and not my mother. I love you, will always do. I’ve built my life around us.
You just want to destroy me in your anger. Moreover, mama has repented. She has accepted you as her daughter in-law. That was what I wanted to tell you last night but you wouldn’t allow me. Look Kim, abortion is a taboo in my land. Any lady who tries to abort the child of my kinsman never comes out of it alive. Please don’t do it,” Sam pleaded.
That seems to infuriate Kim. She ends the call, picks her bag and goes out. In the cab to the hospital, she mulls over what Sam said and fear tugs at her heart.
Yet, she continues on her journey. It takes her more than half an hour to get a cab. The cabbie drives two poles and the car jerks to a stop. She gets down and flags down another cab. By the time she gets to the hospital, the doctor is already leaving. “Are you sure you want to abort this?” The doctor asked and she nods.
“At your age, you shouldn’t be considering an abortion. Where’s the father of your unborn baby?” He asked again. “He doesn’t want the pregnancy,” Kim lied. “Well, if you insist on it, you pay the cashier and come back tomorrow at 8am,” the doctor told her. Kim pays for the procedure and leaves for home.
At an interception, the cab she’s travelling in rams into a car coming from the opposite direction. The impact throws Kim to the front seat. The sound of shattering glass and metal against metal deafens her. A scream escapes her throat as she remembers Sam’s last words to her on the phone. Everything turns black for her.
How bad is the accident? Did she make it?
Let’s find out on Sunday.
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