Thursday, June 04, 2015

Ogundipe: President must not spare tainted individuals around him

Ogundipe: President must not spare tainted individuals around him

While the expectations of Nigerians from President Muhammadu Buhari as he mounts the saddle are high, the National Vice- Chairman (South-West) of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Makanjuola Ogundipe, speaks on areas he would want him to focus on. ADESINA WAHAB reports
What do you think should be Buhari’s plan on electoral reforms?
Dr. Goodluck Jonathan has set a high standard in this regard for Buhari to emulate and consolidate on. That we held successful general elections and had a smooth change of government from one administration to the other, especially, a situation in which the opposition took over from a ruling party, is due to the effort of Jonathan. He gave the space for different political views to be heard and Buhari should build on this. Votes must count in elections and the era of people influencing electoral officers, judges and others to record backdoor electoral victories must not reoccur again. This is because the current scenario of an opposition party taking over government will not be the last, as our party is rearing to go for the next general elections.
What should he do concerning infrastructure?
The PDP-led Federal Government tried in this regard by reviving the rail system, we started the reconstruction of the Lagos- Ibadan Expressway, a number of roads across the nation were worked on and I expect nothing short of consolidating on all these. The gap must be closed up.
How about the power sector?
The unbundling of the former Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) by the Jonathan administration and the coming of private investors were aimed at repositioning the sector and making it better. Those advising Buhari to cancel the process need to have a rethink and he too must be wary of bad advisers. The records of the process for the privatisation of the firm are there for all to see. The world over, businesses are run by the private sector and they are run better. The vandalism of gas pipeline and facilities leading to constant drop in power generation should be addressed.
What do you suggest he does with the report of the National Conference?
Despite the pessimism of some people, the National Conference was organised and it held successfully. No fewer than 600 resolutions that would help in stabilising us as a nation; that would help in addressing knotty issues about our corporate existence among others, were arrived at. Politics apart, it will be a disservice to Nigeria if Buhari throws away the report like that. It is not everything that we play politics with and I am of the view that Buhari will do himself and the nation much good by considering the report of the conference. That his party did not participate in the conference is not an excuse for him to throw the report away. At least, the same APC was the champion of the call for the conference. Its leaders boycotted it because of infantile political considerations.
How should he handle security challenges in the country?
There is one erroneous impression that some people, because of politics any way, have about the security challenges in the country. They either intentionally or through lack of knowledge about what is happening, blamed the PDP-led government for not tackling the security challenges on time. But they forgot to note the fact that our military had been abandoned for years by successive governments. The military lacked modern equipment. Also, they failed to mention the fact that military hardware are mostly not what you go and pick from the shelve. Anyway, our military started recording victories over insurgents and had cleared them off Nigeria’s territories, when the administration gave the needed attention to the military. Let him build on the foundation already laid.
How can he tackle unemployment?
Various programmes and initiatives are already in place. YOUWIN, SURE-P, graduate employment scheme and many others were set up by the PDP administration. We are waiting for the fulfilment of his electoral promises on tackling unemployment, though his party made some bogus promises.
How can he curb corruption? You know that was a major campaign issue. Anti-graft agencies are there and just like President Jonathan said then, it is not the president that will be personally running after a perceived corrupt state official. I hope he will live up to his billing as he was touted by his promoters before the election. He must not spare those tainted individuals surrounding him. Nigerians are no fools, they know that some of the fellows he worked with are corruption personified. We are waiting to see how he will handle them. He cannot afford to allow sacred cows. He must also remember that the rule of law is vital.
What is your take on the issue of cost of governance? The morning shows the day, when he chooses his team, we shall see. There is no need for any rocket science for someone to know that the economic recession demands cutting our coat according to our cloth.

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