Friday, May 15, 2015

Who Is The Best Thief Between Akpos And James James

Who is d best thief between akpos and james James : akpos did u knw dat am more perfect dan u in stealin Akpos: stop sayin dat am ur God father in stealin, i hav d certificate of armed robber James: lets wait and see one day james and akpos went to d supermarket to buy some food, akpos hav forgotten dat he and james made a promise of d best thief. James stole two chocolate nobody notice him...on their way home : James: akpos didnt i told u dat am d best thief u wnt believe dat i stole two chocolate without anybody notice.. Akpos:{very angry and jealous} really? James: (with happiness ) yes akpos: ook no prob lets go bck to d supermarket i will show u dat am d best thief in d world...
They enter d supermarket akpos called d man in charge and said i wnt to perform magic for u..he ordered d man to bring twochocolate out d man did so.. Akpos ate d two and laugh, he said check my frnds pocket u will find d chocolate dat i ate there... Who is d best ??" -

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