Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fed Govt urged to ban rice import

Former Minister of Commerce and Industry, Charles Ugwuh has urged the Federal Government to declare a five-year import ban on rice imports, a measure he said would save $2.6billion yearly.

He said government should intensify efforts at producing enough of the commodity rice locally to meet domestic demand.

He said within the given five year period, the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) should protect the nation’s local rice output against smugglers.

“All hands should be on deck by the financial sector, local distributive trade, all agencies of government, as well as all stakeholders to support the national initiative on rice,” Ugwuh said.

“If we drive this to success, it would encourage even greater success and confidence to tackling other products and programmes that are relevant to prosperity and the nation’s well-being,” he added.

Ugwuh, who spoke in Abuja, made a strong case for a viable reward system, that would encourage people to strive towards enforcement and compliance by agencies of government, stressing compliance with the measure will help grow the nation’s economy.

He said: “We can grow rice and save over $2.6 billion per year that we currently spend on rice imports,” pointing out that Nigeria could be self-sufficient in rice production in no time.

Ugwuh said : “We call for a total ban on rice imports for at least five years to enable Nigeria produce its own food given the enormous natural resources and endowments we have. The nation can be self-sufficient in rice. We can eliminate food imports and save $9billion annually on wheat, rice, sugar, and fish. Nigeria cannot afford to waste such a huge amount and export vital jobs overseas, when massive unemployment is such a great challenge threatening our national survival.

“Nigeria has suitable ecology to grow rice paddy in virtually all over the country. With dedication, perseverance and national commitment, Nigeria can grow and process rice to meet its domestic needs, and indeed, export to other African countries at least, where a ready market exists for over 15 million tons from West through Central and Southern Africa.”

Nigeria, according to him, has been striving hard to grow its capacity in paddy production and processing through massive investments in production infrastructure, power, water, irrigation facilities, dams and processing industries and technology.

He said Nigeria has made serious progress, adding that more is required, including greater investments to compete with other countries in South East Asia, which have been producing rice for decades and have evolved a culture of rice at low cost and high yields that are difficult to match.

“Unfortunately, each time we make earnest efforts to grow our rice capacity to displace imports, our traditional rice suppliers from South East Asia (India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, among others) double up their efforts through Diaspora merchants to beat us down,” he said.

“With their production efficiencies, low cost of production, better quality milled rice and other trade malpractices and gimmicks, they are able to weaken our resolve and erode our competitiveness, forcing us to buy from them and to abandon all our well-laid plans, investments and import-substitution strategies,” Ugwuh added.

In the meantime, we commit up to $2.6 Billion to buy 3.0 million tons of rice per year, he lamented.

“We export various desperately needed jobs out of Nigeria to South East Asia. We further pauperise our people by collecting additional toll as import tariff of over $1 billion. In the process, we also enrich smugglers and sundry merchants and traders with another $1.2 billion,” he stated.

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