Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Courtney Stodden Isn't Taking it Lying Down

Courtney Stodden is mad as hell ... and she's so adamant against having her solo sex tape released to the public that she's sicced an attorney on Vivid Entertainment's CEO, Steve Hirsch, in an attempt to stop any distribution of her tape ... which totally exists.

Stodden lawyered up and sent the following C&D to Vivid ... stating that Vivid is to immediately drop Courtney's tape like a hot potato, and refrain from ever mentioning it again. Check it out:

When asked for a comment, Hirsch said, "We received the letter and we're discussing it internally to figure out what our next step will be."

As for Courtney ... she's letting all those unhappy vibes slide right off her back:

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