Thursday, April 02, 2015

Believe it or Not! British PM, David Cameron is Related to the Kardashians

Just when you think their name should not be mentioned, boom! They could also be a royal clan! This is not an April Fool prank! British Prime Minister, David Cameron says he is related to the Kardashian clan.
In his recent interview with the Heat, the prime minister was asked what TV series he's hooked on. Of course, he watches something totally respectable like Fortitude, but what about something like Keeping up with the Kardashians?
"No, but I'm related to them! 13 cousins!" he replies. "Did you know I'm 13th cousins with them?" he asks the host.
Apparently, the late Sir William Spencer, who was born in 1555 is reportedly their shared relative. Sir Williams' daughters Elizabeth Russell and Catherine Spencer are said to be direct ancestors of both Cameron, 48, and Kim Kardashian, 34. Good news? But don't expect the prime minister to appear on Kim’s show or to reunite with his long lost family across the pond.
"I have no plans at the moment," he says with a laugh.

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